
Addressing Mental Health in the Workforce

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. After fifteen months of the COVID-19 pandemic – which has placed unprecedented stress on Americans dealing with isolation and fear, while juggling closed schools and businesses, homeschooling children, working from home, and economic uncertainty, including ensuring basic necessities – Americans are struggling to recover. One study published by the …

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When These Workers Unionized, Their Cafe Was Put Up for Sale—So They Bought It

PROVIDENCE, R.I.?—?Five former White Electric Coffee workers gather at the Dexter Training Grounds next to the Providence Armory, slightly stunned. Earlier that morning, April 14, they signed the purchase agreement to own the café. In just 10 months, this small group of baristas went from forming a union to creating a workers cooperative to buying the business for around half a million dollars.  …

When These Workers Unionized, Their Cafe Was Put Up for Sale—So They Bought It Read More »

ABB, EPI, and NELP Release Toolkit For Advocates and Policymakers On Model Policies Local Governments Can Implement to Raise Standards For Frontline Workers During COVID and Beyond

Washington, DC— Today, the National Employment Law Project (NELP), A Better Balance (ABB), and the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) released a toolkit for advocates and policymakers featuring four model policies that cities and counties can implement immediately to respond to workers’ calls for safety and dignity on the job—in the pandemic and beyond. The four model policies would advance …

ABB, EPI, and NELP Release Toolkit For Advocates and Policymakers On Model Policies Local Governments Can Implement to Raise Standards For Frontline Workers During COVID and Beyond Read More »

Biden administration weeks behind on Covid-19 workplace safety rules

The federal worker safety watchdog is weeks behind on President Joe Biden’s deadline for the agency to issue mandatory workplace safety rules that experts say will fight the spread of the coronavirus and protect workers. Shortly after taking office, Biden gave the Labor Department a March 15 deadline to decide whether such emergency rules were …

Biden administration weeks behind on Covid-19 workplace safety rules Read More »

Black workers, hammered by pandemic, now being left behind in recovery

Black Americans, who were among the hardest hit by coronavirus layoffs, are now recovering at the slowest rate, a one-two punch that threatens to worsen the United States’ already stark wealth and income disparities long after the pandemic recedes. While Hispanic workers initially saw the sharpest uptick in unemployment when business shutdowns began last spring, …

Black workers, hammered by pandemic, now being left behind in recovery Read More »

The Pandemic’s Impact on Workers and Looking Towards a Just Recovery

NELP’s roadmap for a Just Recovery is based on our vision for bold structural change and on our fall 2020 survey of workers on the COVID frontlines, people who lost their jobs, and other community members seriously impacted by this disease and the failure of so many of our lawmakers and employers to properly address its dangers. …

The Pandemic’s Impact on Workers and Looking Towards a Just Recovery Read More »

On the Introduction of the Safe Line Speeds in COVID-19 Act to Protect Meatpacking Workers

Washington, DC—Following is a statement from Rebecca Dixon, executive director of the National Employment Law Project: “NELP applauds the introduction of the Safe Line Speeds in COVID-19 Act, championed by Senator Cory Booker and Representative Rosa DeLauro, which would protect the health and safety of meatpacking workers by suspending and prohibiting any line speed increases …

On the Introduction of the Safe Line Speeds in COVID-19 Act to Protect Meatpacking Workers Read More »

Economy Gains 379,000 Jobs in February; Unemployment Down to 6.2%

The U.S. economy gained 379,000 jobs in February, and the unemployment rate fell to 6.2%, according to figures released Friday morning by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In response to the February job numbers, AFL-CIO Chief Economist William Spriggs tweeted: Last month’s biggest job gains were in leisure and hospitality (+355,000), health care and social assistance (+46,000), …

Economy Gains 379,000 Jobs in February; Unemployment Down to 6.2% Read More »

Prepared Remarks: Sanders Speaks on the Urgency of Raising the Minimum Wage and Passing the American Rescue Plan

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today delivered a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate on the need to pass the American Rescue Plan Act and offered an amendment to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. His remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below: Mr. President, I rise today to offer an amendment …

Prepared Remarks: Sanders Speaks on the Urgency of Raising the Minimum Wage and Passing the American Rescue Plan Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.