
States become worker safety watchdogs as pandemic worsens

States are increasingly bypassing the federal government and imposing their own rules to protect workers from the coronavirus, creating a patchwork of regulations that could serve as a blueprint for new national standards promised by President-elect Joe Biden. Oregon last month began requiring employers to supply masks, develop infection control plans and notify staff of …

States become worker safety watchdogs as pandemic worsens Read More »

Why America’s Future Depends on Rebuilding Our Factories

Brian Banks and his colleagues at Nipro Glass log 60- or 70-hour weeks right now in a grueling race to produce the glass tubing and vials essential to distributing millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccine. Banks, a maintenance mechanic for nearly three decades, often feared over the years that the Millville, New Jersey, complex would …

Why America’s Future Depends on Rebuilding Our Factories Read More »

The labor market mess awaiting Joe Biden

President-elect Joe Biden will inherit one of the weakest labor markets in U.S. history, with record-high unemployment, widening inequality and deteriorating economic conditions. Yet many of the solutions he’s offering — massive infrastructure, clean energy and technology investments — will need the approval of a largely hostile Congress. That could undercut one of the central …

The labor market mess awaiting Joe Biden Read More »

Work Is the Reason Latinos Are Getting Slammed So Hard by the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout have hammered the Latino community. Latinos make up 40 percent of COVID-19 deaths after adjusting for age, according to the Centers for Disease Control, but only 19 percent of the population. This is the biggest disparity of any major ethnic or racial group. Why the disproportionate impact? The …

Work Is the Reason Latinos Are Getting Slammed So Hard by the Pandemic Read More »

“This Strike Is a Fight for Our Lives”: Healthcare Workers Are Walking Off the Job to Demand Pandemic Protections

As a strike wave sweeps the U.S. health­care indus­try amid the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic, 700 front­line work­ers at 11 Chica­go-area nurs­ing homes have been on the pick­et lines since Novem­ber 23.  Pri­mar­i­ly Black and Lati­na women, the strik­ing work­ers are mem­bers of SEIU Health­care Illi­nois & Indi­ana and include cer­ti­fied nurs­ing assis­tants (CNAs), dietary aides, house­keep­ers and laun­dry work­ers. They are fight­ing for at least $15 an hour, …

“This Strike Is a Fight for Our Lives”: Healthcare Workers Are Walking Off the Job to Demand Pandemic Protections Read More »

Work From Home scams: How to Protect Your Employees During Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has created opportunities for many businesses, as well as for those with bad intentions. It is important for businesses to protect themselves and employees from fraudulent traps during this disruptive period. When work patterns are interrupted, it creates ideal situations for fraudsters to target businesses and the individuals who work in them. …

Work From Home scams: How to Protect Your Employees During Pandemic Read More »

‘We went from being essential to being sacrificial, all for the sake of the bottom line’

How much rage have you got left after four years of Donald Trump and nine months of coronavirus pandemic? Please set aside some to direct at the United States’ largest retail companies for their treatment of their workers. A Brookings Institution report shows how 13 of the nation’s 20 largest retail chains, with a combined …

‘We went from being essential to being sacrificial, all for the sake of the bottom line’ Read More »

As Covid Surges, Doctors Are Striking Against “Retail Health”

We’re back with Sea­son Four of Work­ing Peo­ple! In this urgent episode, we talk with Dr. Amir Atabey­gi, a physi­cian at Mul­ti­Care Indi­go Urgent Care in Thurston Coun­ty, Wash­ing­ton. On Novem­ber 23, amid a ter­ri­fy­ing surge in COVID-19 cas­es around the coun­try, Dr. Atabey­gi joins his fel­low physi­cians, physi­cian assis­tants, and advanced reg­is­tered nurse prac­ti­tion­ers on the pick­et line as …

As Covid Surges, Doctors Are Striking Against “Retail Health” Read More »

Companies are getting creative to pay workers as little as they can get away with in the pandemic

Unemployment remains high, Republicans allowed expanded unemployment benefits to expire, and retail companies are using that desperation to get vulnerable people to risk their health or their lives for low, low wages. Early on in the pandemic, many retail chains paid their workers some amount of hazard pay. It was usually an inadequate amount and …

Companies are getting creative to pay workers as little as they can get away with in the pandemic Read More »

Think about who doesn’t get a Thanksgiving, and who’s to blame, this week in the war on workers

We’re heading into Thanksgiving week, and we’re hearing a lot of discussion of how people are—or aren’t—staying safe, from solitary living to plans for large gatherings and everything in between. We also need to be talking about how this holiday season kicks off after 35 straight weeks of a million or more people applying for unemployment insurance, …

Think about who doesn’t get a Thanksgiving, and who’s to blame, this week in the war on workers Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.