
Detroit firefighters and police face pension cuts with no safety net. Not even Social Security.

Losing a pension you’ve worked years to earn is a nightmare scenario, one that can change a comfortable, secure retirement into one filled with worries and penny-pinching as Social Security goes from being part of your retirement income to all of it. For public workers in many places, including firefighters and police in Detroit, it’s …

Detroit firefighters and police face pension cuts with no safety net. Not even Social Security. Read More »

Banking On Bankruptcy: Emails Suggest Negotiations With Detroit Retirees Were Designed To Fail

Even before one of their own was appointed emergency manager of the city, lawyers who were consulting with Michigan officials over the winter believed Detroit should move into bankruptcy proceedings that would free the city to walk away from its commitments to retirees. Emails between Kevyn Orr — now Detroit’s emergency manager but at the time an …

Banking On Bankruptcy: Emails Suggest Negotiations With Detroit Retirees Were Designed To Fail Read More »

Strong Grassroots Actions Block Mass. Pension Scheme

Union members in Swampscott, Mass., this week showed just how grassroots democracy works when a coalition of unions from the North Shore Labor Council mobilized to turn back an attack on public employees’ health care and retirement security. First a little background. In the Bay State, municipal employees’ health and retirement benefits, while negotiated on a local …

Strong Grassroots Actions Block Mass. Pension Scheme Read More »

Just When You Thought the Hostess Story Couldn’t Get Worse…

Money that was intended for employee pensions was used by Hostess Brands management to cover operating expenses and workers were never compensated for the lost payment, Yahoo News reports. An undetermined amount of money that Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Miller (BCTGM) members were supposed to receive as part of their contract with the …

Just When You Thought the Hostess Story Couldn’t Get Worse… Read More »

Support Grows for Striking Verizon Workers’ Fight for Middle-Class Jobs

The huge crowd outside the Verizon Center in downtown Washington, D.C., Saturday wasn’t there for a basketball game or concert. They came to tell Verizon to stop its attack on middle-class jobs. The Verizon Center demonstration and dozens and dozens of other actions at Verizon worksites and Verizon Wireless stores are part of the growing …

Support Grows for Striking Verizon Workers’ Fight for Middle-Class Jobs Read More »

More Salvos in the False “Class War” on Public Pensions

Repeat something often enough and it becomes, if not true, at least a solid bit of conventional wisdom. Consider Ron Lieber’s column in Saturday’s New York Times, which neatly recycles an editorial the Wall Street Journal ran back in March. The issue: the pensions that guarantee public employees a middle-class standard of living in retirement …

More Salvos in the False “Class War” on Public Pensions Read More »

When the Right Goes After Unions, the Unions Had Better Get Going

The Hudson Institute, which, as prior unbossed stories have shown, has historically been a shill for the tobacco industry, Monsanto products, and more, is now making a huge push to go after unions . . . Unions and their allies should take this attack seriously. A recent Hudson Institute “study” on pensions, claims (among other …

When the Right Goes After Unions, the Unions Had Better Get Going Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.