Remote Work

5 Tips to Make Video Meetings Fairer to Anxious Employees

Video calls may have taken over as the meeting method of choice during the pandemic, and the surge in remote work means that they won’t be going away any time soon. Many people appreciate the convenience and flexibility of being able to show up on time no matter where they are physically. Still, it would …

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Remote Work, Office Location and Employee Satisfaction: Considerations for the Modern Workplace

It’s no surprise that today’s workplaces have evolved. From digital innovations to culture shifts, you and your colleagues need to form a plan so that you’re not left behind. Fortunately, you can easily make changes to ensure your team’s successful transition to modern methods. Take a look at different considerations for your company. 1. Allow …

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How to Help Employees Adjust To Remote Work

With a global pandemic raging on, most of us have started working remotely from the safety and security of our homes. However, the transition from physical work to remote work hasn’t been easy. Remote working has loads of benefits, such as no office distractions, no frustrating commute, no colleagues interrupting your workflow, etc. However, there …

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Tracking Remote Employees: How To Not Cross The Line

With the COVID-19 on the current agenda, the offline work seems to be far away. However, remote work is trending now because more and more businesses realize which benefits it drives. However, hiring top talent from different parts of the country and saving from rent come with the liabilities of remote working employment law. One …

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Rights, Responsibilities, and Recommendations for Remote Work Under COVID-19 Restrictions

The coronavirus pandemic and resulting global quarantine have changed the way all we live and work, and it’s unclear when the lockdown will lift. You might be among the thousands of workers caught off-guard as employers made a hasty transition to remote work — and even now, weeks later, you might still be struggling to …

Rights, Responsibilities, and Recommendations for Remote Work Under COVID-19 Restrictions Read More »

5 Steps To Ensure Your Work-From-Home Employees Maximize Corporate Performance

Use These Guidelines to Ensure That Your Remote Workplace Is A Corporate Asset The advent of employees working from the home continues to rise, a trend that will surely continue in the future.  Corporations recognize that an increasing number of employees – particularly millennials and contract workers in the “gig” economy – value this option …

5 Steps To Ensure Your Work-From-Home Employees Maximize Corporate Performance Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.