
Here’s What’s in the New Bill Jointly Backed by Uber and the Teamsters in Washington State

Uber’s lobbyists, after clinching an agreement with UFCW Canada to launch a charm offensive at the Ontario provincial government for employee-like benefits on behalf of an estimated 100,00 drivers, weren’t done hobnobbing with unions. Next up, the Teamsters in Washington state are working on a deal with Uber and Lyft. The legislation would give ride-hail workers new …

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A Bunch of Union Organizers Explain What’s Wrong with Unions

Here is the most fun­da­men­tal quandary of unions in Amer­i­ca: Polls show that 65% of Amer­i­cans approve of unions, and half of work­ers say they would join a union. But only about 10% of work­ers are actu­al­ly union mem­bers. In the yawn­ing gap between those num­bers lies the entire sto­ry of the Amer­i­can labor movement’s decline.  The sys­tem­at­ic decades-long assault on labor pow­er …

A Bunch of Union Organizers Explain What’s Wrong with Unions Read More »

Black workers are twice as likely to have seen coronavirus-related retaliation by bosses

Workers—but especially Black workers—say they are afraid that going to work during the coronavirus pandemic risks their own health or that of a family member, but many fear retaliation if they speak up. A new survey by the National Employment Law Project (NELP) finds that, overall, 56% of people going to work fear the risks, but …

Black workers are twice as likely to have seen coronavirus-related retaliation by bosses Read More »

State Department watchdog details political retaliation against ‘disloyal’ staffers

Top officials in the State Department bureau that deals with international institutions engaged in “disrespectful and hostile treatment” of staffers, including harassing some over suspicions that they were “disloyal” due to their suspected political views, a federal watchdog says. At least one top career employee was forced out of her position for inappropriate reasons, while …

State Department watchdog details political retaliation against ‘disloyal’ staffers Read More »

What Are Your Workplace Rights When Entering Rehab?

Drug and alcohol rehab have helped millions of Americans successfully recover from addiction and greatly improve their quality of life. But if you’re employed and struggling with substance abuse, a decision to enter rehab can often be complicated by anxious concerns about job security and if/how you should tell your boss. The good news is …

What Are Your Workplace Rights When Entering Rehab? Read More »

Campaign Alleges Retaliation Against Strikers in Federal Building

Organizers tell The Nation that four food court outlets in a federal building initially refused to let employees return to work following a Tuesday strike, but relented following protests by supporters. The four establishments—Subway, Bassett’s Original Turkey, Quick Pita and Kabuki Sushi—are located in the Ronald Reagan federal building, one of several Washington, DC, workplaces where employees …

Campaign Alleges Retaliation Against Strikers in Federal Building Read More »

Oh Great, More CEOs Telling Us We Need to Cut Social Security and Medicare Benefits

As if we didn’t already have enough on our plates (having to fend off attacks from the “Fix the Debt” CEOs), now there’s another group of CEOs, the Business Roundtable, telling us we need to “modernize,” a.k.a. cut, Social Security and Medicare benefits by raising the eligibility ages and reducing cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs). How helpful.  R.J. Eskow took …

Oh Great, More CEOs Telling Us We Need to Cut Social Security and Medicare Benefits Read More »

A Post-Brinker Victory for Employees: Bradley v. Networkers International, LLC

In the aftermath of the California Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Brinker Restaurant Corp. v. Superior Court(2012) 53 Cal.4th 1004 (Brinker), employers and non-exempt employees are still hashing out the implications of the clarified meal and rest period requirements.  In April, Bryan Schwartz Law discussed the implications of that case on this blog, which can be found …

A Post-Brinker Victory for Employees: Bradley v. Networkers International, LLC Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.