sexual harassment

A Hotline Garment Workers Can Call When They Face Harassment on the Job

When women who sew clothes for famous brands are harassed, there is a new place for them to turn. MASERU, LESOTHO?—?When Nthabiseng Moshoeshoe’s supervisor told her he loved her, they were alone in a room where they both worked at a blue jeans factory in Maseru, the capital of Lesotho, she says. It was early 2021. She was emptying …

A Hotline Garment Workers Can Call When They Face Harassment on the Job Read More »

McDonald’s Workers Charge Grotesque Sexual Harassment in New $500 Million Lawsuit

Two women who worked for McDonald’s in Florida, backed by the Fight For 15 and the Time’s Up legal fund, have filed a new class action lawsuit against the company, alleging a widespread pattern of sexual harassment at stores throughout the state. They are seeking $500 million in damages, and a fundamental change in the …

McDonald’s Workers Charge Grotesque Sexual Harassment in New $500 Million Lawsuit Read More »

Treated Like Meat

Smithfield Foods’ 2,000-employee bacon and sausage packaging plant in Smithfield, Va., sits a mile down the road from the company’s stately corporate headquarters and flagship restaurant, Taste of Smithfield, a tourist-friendly establishment known for its smoked pork brioche sandwich, Virginia craft beer and “piglets” menu for kids under 12. Near the meatpacking plant on Church …

Treated Like Meat Read More »

Scalia’s challenge: Fiery old writings in a new era of #MeToo

Two decades before being nominated as President Donald Trump’s Labor secretary, Eugene Scalia was at war with the lion of the Senate. In 2001, Sen. Ted Kennedy, the Democratic chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, expressed skepticism of then-President George W. Bush’s decision to nominate Scalia as the Labor Department’s top legal …

Scalia’s challenge: Fiery old writings in a new era of #MeToo Read More »

Letter details ‘severe’ sexual harassment at AccuWeather under Trump’s pick to lead NOAA

President Donald Trump’s nominee to head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ran a family company in which employees were subjected to “widespread” and “pervasive” sexual harassment, according to an investigation by the Labor Department’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). The investigation concluded that AccuWeather, the company then run by Trump nominee …

Letter details ‘severe’ sexual harassment at AccuWeather under Trump’s pick to lead NOAA Read More »

Trump has a habit of hiring people with histories of sexual misconduct. Herman Cain is the latest.

President Donald Trump has recommended another man who has been accused of touching women without their consent for a major government position. Trump announced last week that he has settled on Herman Cain, a former Godfather’s Pizza executive, for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board. Cain ended his 2012 presidential bid after four women …

Trump has a habit of hiring people with histories of sexual misconduct. Herman Cain is the latest. Read More »

At CBS, Les Moonves got away with ‘transactional’ sex. A working mom couldn’t get a schedule change.

At CBS News, she asked for a role that would give her “some small measure of predictability” over her schedule so she could work while parenting a young son. From his corner office atop CBS, he was demanding that a different female employee be “on call” to perform oral sex. She left her job. He …

At CBS, Les Moonves got away with ‘transactional’ sex. A working mom couldn’t get a schedule change. Read More »

Google employees demand company do something about sexual harassment and pay inequality

All over the world, employees at Google are demonstrating that they won’t tolerate sexual harassment, low pay, and other poor working conditions. Google workers in  London, Zurich, Dublin, Berlin, Tokyo, and Singapore organized walkouts on Thursday. U.S. workers in New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, and Mountain View, California have also walked out. Workers …

Google employees demand company do something about sexual harassment and pay inequality Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.