
In America, Business Profits Come First Over the Pandemic

Los Angeles, California, is now considered one of the worst COVID-19 hotspots in the nation. LA mayor Eric Garcetti assessed grimly that there is one new infection every six seconds and a death every 10 minutes from the virus. Hospitals are turning away ambulances, and health facilities in LA County are quite literally running out of oxygen. But …

In America, Business Profits Come First Over the Pandemic Read More »

Union urges Small Business Administration to take a close look at hotel chain’s post-PPP layoffs

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was supposed to keep small businesses from laying off workers during the coronavirus pandemic. (Disclosure: Kos Media received a Paycheck Protection Program loan.) It hasn’t always worked out that way. Trump and Kushner businesses got loans, as did predatory payday lenders, but many of the businesses that needed the loans most were left out.  UNITE HERE, …

Union urges Small Business Administration to take a close look at hotel chain’s post-PPP layoffs Read More »

The next blow for businesses: Tax hikes that threaten more layoffs

Businesses across the nation could soon face state tax increases to pay for the surge in Americans filing for unemployment benefits this year, further straining employers at a time when many are fighting for survival. Massachusetts, New Jersey and Alabama are among the states looking at tax hikes that could cost employers billions of dollars. …

The next blow for businesses: Tax hikes that threaten more layoffs Read More »

‘A tale of 2 recessions’: As rich Americans get richer, the bottom half struggles

The path toward economic recovery in the U.S. has become sharply divided, with wealthier Americans earning and saving at record levels while the poorest struggle to pay their bills and put food on the table. The result is a splintered economic picture characterized by high highs — the stock market has hit record levels — …

‘A tale of 2 recessions’: As rich Americans get richer, the bottom half struggles Read More »

How the Trump Administration’s Small Business Protection Program Has Failed Communities of Color

The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated businesses run by people of color. The Trump administration’s Small Business Administration isn’t helping. In recent weeks, it’s become increasingly clear that the federal government has failed to protect minority-owned businesses from the pandemic’s economic fallout. According to data published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, the number of black-owned businesses …

How the Trump Administration’s Small Business Protection Program Has Failed Communities of Color Read More »

What You Need To Know About The Michigan GOP’s ‘Right-To-Work’ Assault On Workers

On Thursday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) backtrackedon his commitment to avoid so-called “right-to-work” legislation and by the end of the day, both the Michigan House of Representatives and the Michigan state Senate had introduced and passed separate bills aimed at the state’s union workforce. Michigan Republicans claim the state needs the measure to stay …

What You Need To Know About The Michigan GOP’s ‘Right-To-Work’ Assault On Workers Read More »

Poor Leaders Can Decrease Worker Productivity By Up to 40 Percent

As Newswise reports, based on employee engagement research by Florida State University business school professor Wayne Hochwarter, recession-based uncertainty has encouraged many business leaders to pursue self-serving behaviors at the expense of those that are considered mutually beneficial or supportive of organizational goals. This plays out in behaviors that Hochwarter’s team classified using the biblical …

Poor Leaders Can Decrease Worker Productivity By Up to 40 Percent Read More »

Why Today’s Workplace Readers Should Think About Attending The ROI of Great Workplaces Conference

You found this blog, or return to it, because you’re interested in workplace rights and employers that follow the law to a tee, right?  Well, you’ll find the latest, best information on both and meet some dynamic business contacts to boot at Winning Workplaces’ 2009 annual event that will be held in Chicago on October 1-2.  We’re …

Why Today’s Workplace Readers Should Think About Attending The ROI of Great Workplaces Conference Read More »

What’s Wrong with This Picture?

The following is cross-posted on the Winning Workplaces blog. I thought it was appropriate for Today’s Workplace’s focus on taking back Labor Day. After all, this holiday should offer pause not just for workers, but for company leaders to reflect on how they can do more with less in this difficult economic environment. Enjoy, and …

What’s Wrong with This Picture? Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.