Social Security

Donald Trump Is Using the Coronavirus Crisis to Attack Social Security

Donald Trump’s proposal to cut the payroll contribution rate is a stealth attack on Social Security. Even if the proposal were to replace Social Security’s dedicated revenue with deficit-funded general revenue, the proposal would undermine this vital program. The proposal is a Trojan horse. It appears to be a gift, in the form of middle-class …

Donald Trump Is Using the Coronavirus Crisis to Attack Social Security Read More »

Would You Trust Henry Kissinger with Your Social Security?

Years ago a political scientist said that the mass media can’t influence what people think, but it can influence what people think about. Today it does both. If you’re a billionaire who wants to manipulate public opinion, that means you’ll keep feeding it stories that serve your ideology and self-interest. Hedge fund billionaire Peter G. …

Would You Trust Henry Kissinger with Your Social Security? Read More »

Social Security’s Enemies Are Down – But They’re Not Out

Not so long ago, Social Security was endangered by a “bipartisan” consensus that sought to cut its benefits – already lower than those of comparable countries – as part of a “grand bargain.” President Obama even put a slow-motion benefit cut into one of his proposed budgets, in the form of a reduction in cost-of-living …

Social Security’s Enemies Are Down – But They’re Not Out Read More »

Read our lips: Americans want to expand Social Security – not to raise the retirement age

The recent presidential debates reminds us that Democrats and Republicans are polar opposites when it comes to Social Security. While many of the Democratic candidates want to bolster the program and increase benefits, GOP candidates Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio have all called for cutting Social Security’s modest benefits by raising …

Read our lips: Americans want to expand Social Security – not to raise the retirement age Read More »

What You Need To Know About The Michigan GOP’s ‘Right-To-Work’ Assault On Workers

On Thursday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) backtrackedon his commitment to avoid so-called “right-to-work” legislation and by the end of the day, both the Michigan House of Representatives and the Michigan state Senate had introduced and passed separate bills aimed at the state’s union workforce. Michigan Republicans claim the state needs the measure to stay …

What You Need To Know About The Michigan GOP’s ‘Right-To-Work’ Assault On Workers Read More »

Social Security COLA at Risk with Chained CPI Proposals

Today’s announcement that Social Security recipients will receive a modest increase (1.7%) in their cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) was a small but welcome boost for seniors who are seeing prices increase on necessities, from health care to food. However, even this modest increase could be jeopardized if proposals floating around in Washington to “tweak” the current …

Social Security COLA at Risk with Chained CPI Proposals Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.