
Ohio Auto Parts Workers Strike to Unionize

Update, February 1: The workers ended their strike January 30, without having won union recognition. They plan to petition for a union authorization election with the National Labor Relations Board. —Editors Workers at an auto parts factory in Norwalk, Ohio, are reviving a classic tactic—they’re eight days into a walkout to demand that their employer …

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Chicago Teachers Are Showing the Country How to Fight an Unsafe Reopening

As Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot presses ahead with a controversialplan to reopen elementary schools next Monday, the 25,000-member Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) may be headed into its third strike since 2012. Closed since March because of the coronavirus crisis, K?8 schools are set to resume in-person classes on February 1, with parents having the option of sending their children back …

Chicago Teachers Are Showing the Country How to Fight an Unsafe Reopening Read More »

In a Six-Day Strike, Bronx Produce Workers Doubled Their Raise and Inspired New York

Drivers and warehouse workers who feed New York City have won their strike. After six days off the job, the strikers at Hunts Point Produce Market in the Bronx ratified a contract that doubled management’s wage offer and defeated a health care cost increase. The 1,400 workers at the world’s largest wholesale produce market, members …

In a Six-Day Strike, Bronx Produce Workers Doubled Their Raise and Inspired New York Read More »

Essential food workers strike over $1 in New York City, this week in the war on workers

Remember back in April when everyone suddenly realized that food chain workers are essential workers? A group of workers in the Bronx is trying to make good on that realization as they negotiate their next contract—and it’s led to a strike, as the bosses at the Hunts Point Produce Market refuse the workers’ call for …

Essential food workers strike over $1 in New York City, this week in the war on workers Read More »

Chicago Teachers Are Considering a Strike Amid Pandemic Surge

As the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic enters its dead­liest phase yet, the Chica­go Teach­ers Union (CTU) and its allies are resist­ing May­or Lori Lightfoot’s plan to reopen school build­ings and resume in-per­son learn­ing this month. Over 10,000 CTU mem­bers have pledged their oppo­si­tion to the reopen­ing plan put for­ward by the may­or and Chica­go Pub­lic Schools (CPS), cit­ing seri­ous con­cerns over safe­ty …

Chicago Teachers Are Considering a Strike Amid Pandemic Surge Read More »

Cleveland Heights Teachers Strike in the Snow, Beating Austerity with Solidarity

Teachers in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, walked out on strike December 2 for the first time since 1983. Why now? The state was trying to privatize public education. The local school board was trying to balance the budget on our backs. Add to that a once-in-a-century pandemic. A well-organized membership was determined not to bend to …

Cleveland Heights Teachers Strike in the Snow, Beating Austerity with Solidarity Read More »

‘Nurses Over Billboards’: Two-Day Strike Hits Site of New York’s First COVID Outbreak

Nurses at Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital struck this week over safety and staffing.  “We’re petrified of a resurgence of COVID,” said registered nurse Kathy Santoiemma, a 43-year veteran of the hospital. “We lived through it. We were ground zero of the COVID pandemic. We had the first case in New Rochelle actually—we became a totally …

‘Nurses Over Billboards’: Two-Day Strike Hits Site of New York’s First COVID Outbreak Read More »

Students at the Most Expensive University in America Are Going on Tuition Strike

At the end of Novem­ber, mem­bers of the Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty-Barnard Col­lege chap­ter of Young Demo­c­ra­t­ic Social­ists of Amer­i­ca (YDSA) launched a tuition strike cam­paign against ?“exor­bi­tant tuition rates” which, they say, ?“con­sti­tute a sig­nif­i­cant source of finan­cial hard­ship” dur­ing the pan­dem­ic. Stu­dent demands are wide-rang­ing and include a 10% reduc­tion in the cost of atten­dance, 10% increase in finan­cial aid, and …

Students at the Most Expensive University in America Are Going on Tuition Strike Read More »

“This Strike Is a Fight for Our Lives”: Healthcare Workers Are Walking Off the Job to Demand Pandemic Protections

As a strike wave sweeps the U.S. health­care indus­try amid the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic, 700 front­line work­ers at 11 Chica­go-area nurs­ing homes have been on the pick­et lines since Novem­ber 23.  Pri­mar­i­ly Black and Lati­na women, the strik­ing work­ers are mem­bers of SEIU Health­care Illi­nois & Indi­ana and include cer­ti­fied nurs­ing assis­tants (CNAs), dietary aides, house­keep­ers and laun­dry work­ers. They are fight­ing for at least $15 an hour, …

“This Strike Is a Fight for Our Lives”: Healthcare Workers Are Walking Off the Job to Demand Pandemic Protections Read More »

“We Won’t Let Him”: Unions Nationwide Are Planning a General Strike If Trump Tries to Steal the Election

Amid wide­spread con­cerns that Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump will attempt to steal today’s elec­tion or refuse to leave office if he los­es, the lead­ers of mul­ti­ple Chica­go-area unions issued a joint state­ment on Mon­day com­mit­ting to take any non­vi­o­lent action nec­es­sary?—?up to and includ­ing a gen­er­al strike?—?to defend democracy. “Every sin­gle vote has to be count­ed,” says Sta­cy Davis Gates, vice pres­i­dent of the …

“We Won’t Let Him”: Unions Nationwide Are Planning a General Strike If Trump Tries to Steal the Election Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.