Supreme Court

The Trucking Industry Is a “Sweatshop on Wheels.” Here’s How Kavanaugh Could Make It Worse.

While the nation was focused on Brett Kavanaugh’s contentious confirmation process, the Supreme Court began hearing arguments in New Prime Inc. v. Oliveira, a major labor case that could impact thousands of workers throughout the country. The Court will determine whether workers in the hyper-exploitive trucking industry can sue their bosses for breaking the law. Kavanaugh …

The Trucking Industry Is a “Sweatshop on Wheels.” Here’s How Kavanaugh Could Make It Worse. Read More »

Kavanaugh Is Terrible on Workers’ Rights—And That’s Anti-Woman, Too

On October 6, the Senate voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh, the Republican federal appellate judge accused by multiple women of sexual assault, to the Supreme Court. In light of the allegations—which include attempted rape—the opposition to Kavanaugh has been dominated by concerns about the impact he will have on the lives of women. In addition …

Kavanaugh Is Terrible on Workers’ Rights—And That’s Anti-Woman, Too Read More »

Kavanaugh’s SeaWorld dissent shows he wants to drag workers back a century

During his years as a judge on the D.C. Circuit court, Brett Kavanaugh has dedicated a solid amount of time to writing extremist dissents to show us just what kind of a deciding vote he would be on the Supreme Court. One of those is his notorious SeaWorld v. Perez dissent, in which Kavanaugh said SeaWorld shouldn’t be …

Kavanaugh’s SeaWorld dissent shows he wants to drag workers back a century Read More »

A Rundown of All the Ways Trump Is Overseeing an All Out, Under-the-Radar Attack on Workers

Amidst headlines about porn stars and bromance with Russian President Vladimir Putin, it can be hard to track the many ways the Trump administration is hurting workers in the United States. The Supreme Court’s Janus ruling that struck a blow to unions’ ability to collect membership dues held a brief spotlight in the national news …

A Rundown of All the Ways Trump Is Overseeing an All Out, Under-the-Radar Attack on Workers Read More »

Trump’s Supreme Court pick is eager to take the war on workers up a notch

Another week, another bout of Supreme Court-related horror for workers. Up this week, Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. It’s bad. It’s really, really bad—a reminder that, even following a disastrous-for-workers Supreme Court session, things can get worse. Daily Kos’ own Meteor Blades wrote about Kavanaugh’s awful SeaWorld dissent, noting that Kavanaugh’s demeanor as he makes …

Trump’s Supreme Court pick is eager to take the war on workers up a notch Read More »

Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Could Spell a Fresh Hell for Workers’ Rights

On Monday, President Donald Trump announced his nomination of conservative Brett Kavanaugh to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy on the U.S. Supreme Court. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, Chief Justice John Roberts, a fellow conservative, will become the ideological and political center of the Supreme Court, and protections for women, minorities, voting rights, civil liberties and …

Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Could Spell a Fresh Hell for Workers’ Rights Read More »

Janus Is Here—But Don’t Ring the Death Knell for the Labor Movement

In a major decision that will impact labor for decades, the U.S. Supreme Court has just declared that all public-sector workers who are represented by a union have a Constitutional right to pay the union nothing for the representation. The Court overturned its landmark 1977 decision in Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, which permitted public-sector …

Janus Is Here—But Don’t Ring the Death Knell for the Labor Movement Read More »

Supreme Court takes up case that will devastate public sector unions

In what is all but certain to be a terrible blow to organized labor, the Supreme Court announced on Thursday that it will hear Janus v. AFSCME, a case seeking to defund public sector unions. The case presents an issue that was recently before the Court, and where the justices split 4-4 along party lines. Now that Neil Gorsuch …

Supreme Court takes up case that will devastate public sector unions Read More »

Supreme Court opens its new term with a direct attack on workers’ rights

The Supreme Court returns next Monday from its summer vacation for the first full term where Neil Gorsuch will occupy a seat at the far end of the Court’s bench. And the Court will open this term with a trio of cases that are very likely to immunize many employers from consequences for their illegal …

Supreme Court opens its new term with a direct attack on workers’ rights Read More »

Labor Opponents Already Have The Next ‘Friedrichs’ SCOTUS Case Ready to Go Under Trump

The Supreme Court gave unions an unexpected victory last year when it issued a decision in a case that had threatened to take away the right of public sector unions to collect dues from workers they represent. That win may be short-lived. Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association was meant to be the capstone in decades …

Labor Opponents Already Have The Next ‘Friedrichs’ SCOTUS Case Ready to Go Under Trump Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.