
Democrats’ lackluster performance in Senate spells trouble for labor

With the Democrats’ failure to win an outright majority in the Senate and Republicans making surprising gains in the House, Joe Biden’s sweeping promises to expand American labor rights just got a lot harder to fulfill. Proposals pushed by Democratic lawmakers to raise the federal minimum wage to $15, expand workers’ ability to form unions …

Democrats’ lackluster performance in Senate spells trouble for labor Read More »

What Does a “Safe Return” to School Look Like? Ask Teacher Unions.

Powerful elites are willing to sacrifice the lives and futures of millions to feed their own profits. Teachers are fighting back. Demands for stu­dents and edu­ca­tors to return to in-per­son school­ing dur­ing the pan­dem­ic are com­ing from Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans, both claim­ing the return is nec­es­sary not just to pro­vide high-qual­i­ty edu­ca­tion, but to save …

What Does a “Safe Return” to School Look Like? Ask Teacher Unions. Read More »

Teachers have public support for COVID-19 safety strikes, this week in the war on workers

Teachers in some areas have said they might go on strike rather than going back to in-person teaching if they felt it would be unsafe—and a majority of Americans would support them, a new HuffPost/YouGov poll found. A third of people said they would strongly support teachers, and another 22% said they would somewhat support teachers. …

Teachers have public support for COVID-19 safety strikes, this week in the war on workers Read More »

Teachers unions test goodwill with strike threats, hardball negotiations

In addition to safety measures, some unions are pressing for police-free schools, canceling rents and mortgages, and bans on new charter programs and standardized testing. Teachers won newfound respect at the start of the pandemic as parents learned just how difficult it was to teach their kids at home. But teachers unions now risk squandering …

Teachers unions test goodwill with strike threats, hardball negotiations Read More »

In-person school won’t be safe, and it won’t be a return to the old normal, teachers say

A new poll of teachers shows just how much of the burden is being pushed off on them. More than four out of five of the teachers said they were worried about in-person teaching, with 77% fearful for their own health. In that context, it’s kind of amazing that just two out of three said …

In-person school won’t be safe, and it won’t be a return to the old normal, teachers say Read More »

Gwinnett County, Georgia, joins the list of early school reopening COVID-19 messes

Gwinnett County, Georgia, didn’t even make it to the beginning of the school year before it had serious coronavirus problems amid Gov. Brian Kemp’s push to reopen schools in person. Teachers started in-person planning for the school year on Wednesday. By Thursday, 260 school district employees were out because of positive coronavirus tests or contact with a …

Gwinnett County, Georgia, joins the list of early school reopening COVID-19 messes Read More »

Major teachers union will back ‘safety strikes’ to block unsafe school reopening

The American Federation of Teachers will support its members if they decide to strike over the rush to reopen schools without regard for safety, the union announced Tuesday. The union has been pushing for increased federal funding to help schools reopen safely, but with Mitch McConnell’s Senate taking its sweet time and Donald Trump demanding in-person schooling regardless of …

Major teachers union will back ‘safety strikes’ to block unsafe school reopening Read More »

Time to push back on the unsafe rush to reopen schools

Reopening schools is a major workers’ issue in multiple ways. There are the workers inside schools: not just teachers but paraprofessionals, librarians, custodial workers, nurses. Their lives are at stake in the push to reopen schools without regard for safety. Then there are the parents whose ability to work rests in part on their kids …

Time to push back on the unsafe rush to reopen schools Read More »

Teachers union weighs in on reopening schools safely

Schools are a huge part of the economy—not just a place teachers and support staff and clerical workers and custodians work, but a place parents rely on to care for their kids so they can go to work. That means, as National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen García said in a statement, “The American economy cannot recover …

Teachers union weighs in on reopening schools safely Read More »

A Rank-and-File Teachers’ Movement Takes On Philadelphia’s Toxic Schools

A militant caucus within the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers is showing how, with rank-and-file leadership, unions can be a powerful force for fighting deep-rooted environmental injustice. Nearly 24 years ago, students at Franklin Learning Center sounded the alarm about asbestos and lead in their school, blocking traffic and interrupting a Board of Education meeting to demand repairs and …

A Rank-and-File Teachers’ Movement Takes On Philadelphia’s Toxic Schools Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.