Trans-Pacific Partnership

Did The Administration Offer New Balance A Big Contract For TPP Silence?

Last year President Obama went to Nike headquarters to promote the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). But Nike doesn’t make shoes in the US,  and TPP would force companies like New Balance to stop making shoes here. New Balance kept quiet about this, but now says the administration offered the company a big contract in exchange for …

Did The Administration Offer New Balance A Big Contract For TPP Silence? Read More »

New Study Confirms: Private “Trade” Courts Serve the Ultra-Wealthy

A new study confirms what many activists have suspected for a long time: The private courts set up by international “trade” deals heavily favor billionaires and giant corporations, and they do so at the expense of governments and people. Smaller companies and less-wealthy individuals don’t benefit nearly as much from these private courts as the …

New Study Confirms: Private “Trade” Courts Serve the Ultra-Wealthy Read More »

Trade Deals Like the TPP Are Murdering American Manufacturing

In the week before Valentine’s Day, United Technologies expressed its love for its devoted Indiana employees, workers whose labor had kept the corporation profitable, by informing 2,100 of them at two facilities that it was shipping their factories, their jobs, their communities’ resources to Mexico. A few workers shouted obscenities at the corporate official. Some …

Trade Deals Like the TPP Are Murdering American Manufacturing Read More »

Trade Deals Like TPP Encourage ‘Business Decisions’ Like This Heartbreaking One from Indianapolis

In this video, workers at the Carrier plant in Indianapolis react to the company announcing that it will ship 1,400 local jobs to Mexico in what they described as “strictly a business decision.” You can hear the heartbreak and outrage in the voices of the workers who must now scramble to figure out how to take care of …

Trade Deals Like TPP Encourage ‘Business Decisions’ Like This Heartbreaking One from Indianapolis Read More »

State of the Union: Don’t Let the TPP Sink Our Wages

The president will give his final State of the Union address tonight. Traditionally, this annual speech reviews the accomplishments of years past and sets out a “to-do” list for the year ahead. Although the White House has indicated that this year’s speech will be “nontraditional,” it has made clear the economy will be a major focus. …

State of the Union: Don’t Let the TPP Sink Our Wages Read More »

Now Vietnam Thumbs Nose At TPP’s Unenforceable Labor Provisions

Vietnam is already snubbing the unenforceable labor provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Voice of America reports, in “Vietnam Beating Case Highlights TPP Labor Rights Issue“: A Vietnamese labor activist has accused authorities of beating and detaining her after she talked with fired workers in southern Long An province. Long-time labor rights advocate Do Thi …

Now Vietnam Thumbs Nose At TPP’s Unenforceable Labor Provisions Read More »

Bottom Line: Does the TPP Trade Deal “Put American Workers First”?

The full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has finally been released and We the People can see what has been negotiated in our name. President Obama laid out the bottom line, saying the deal “puts American workers first.” Does it? TPP Text The full text of TPP can be seen here. The text consists …

Bottom Line: Does the TPP Trade Deal “Put American Workers First”? Read More »

Top 10 Unknown Things About TPP

Working people are paying very close attention to the debate and negotiations surrounding the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the massive trade deal that proponents are saying is the “most progressive trade agreement ever.” Unfortunately, at this point, too many details of the agreement aren’t public. Trade can obviously be a good thing for the country, but only …

Top 10 Unknown Things About TPP Read More »

TPP Deal Rushed Through; Working Families Respond

In Atlanta this weekend, negotiators rushed through a deal for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and working families were quick to respond, asking why the deal has to be rushed when there are many unanswered questions, and demanding that the details of the agreement be released as soon as possible so the people most affected by …

TPP Deal Rushed Through; Working Families Respond Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.