
The Nightmare Facing the Poor and Working Class If There’s Not Another Stimulus

As mil­lions of U.S. work­ers face unem­ploy­ment, food inse­cu­ri­ty and evic­tion amid the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic, the lim­it­ed aid pro­vid­ed by the fed­er­al government’s flawed CARES Act from March has long since dried up.  Last week, fol­low­ing more than six months of stalled nego­ti­a­tions with con­gres­sion­al Democ­rats over a new eco­nom­ic relief pack­age, Pres­i­dent Trump abrupt­ly announced he was halt­ing talks until …

The Nightmare Facing the Poor and Working Class If There’s Not Another Stimulus Read More »

Trump’s Anti-Worker Labor Board

In his State of the Union address this year, President Trump declared that “our agenda is relentlessly pro-worker.” Despite this populist posturing, any sober assessment of Trump’s first term will show that it has been an all-out assault on labor. Trump has ruthlessly attacked federal workers, granted more tax cuts for the rich, and severely weakened …

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How Amy Coney Barrett’s Appointment Would Escalate the War on Workers

The death of Supreme Court Jus­tice Ruth Bad­er Gins­berg has trig­gered a hasty search by Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and Sen­ate Repub­li­cans for a jus­tice to fill the emp­ty seat before the Novem­ber pres­i­den­tial election.  Now Trump has cho­sen Amy Coney Bar­rett, of the two women at the top of his short­list, as his Supreme Court nom­i­na­tion, but she …

How Amy Coney Barrett’s Appointment Would Escalate the War on Workers Read More »

Trump’s war on workers is flying under the radar, but it’s relentless

It’s no secret that Donald Trump is not exactly out serving as the champion of workers he suggested he’d be during the 2016 campaign. But the scope of the attack he’s mounted on working people is staggering … and mostly under the radar. Steven Hill rounds up some of the damage at Working In These Times: The …

Trump’s war on workers is flying under the radar, but it’s relentless Read More »

A Rundown of All the Ways Trump Is Overseeing an All Out, Under-the-Radar Attack on Workers

Amidst headlines about porn stars and bromance with Russian President Vladimir Putin, it can be hard to track the many ways the Trump administration is hurting workers in the United States. The Supreme Court’s Janus ruling that struck a blow to unions’ ability to collect membership dues held a brief spotlight in the national news …

A Rundown of All the Ways Trump Is Overseeing an All Out, Under-the-Radar Attack on Workers Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.