
Los Angeles teachers will go on strike next month

Los Angeles teachers will strike on January 10, about half a year after the teachers union declared they were at an impasse with Los Angeles United School District (LAUSD). The teachers union, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) made the announcement during a press conference on Wednesday. UTLA said teachers are asking for smaller class sizes, reductions …

Los Angeles teachers will go on strike next month Read More »

Death on the Job: 2017 Fatality Numbers Released

The Bureau of Labor Statistics today released its 2017 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries — and it contained good news and bad news.  The good news is that workplace fatalities fell slightly, less than 1% last year from 5,190 fatal injuries reported in 2016 to 5,147 last year. The fatality rate also declined slightly from 3.6 to …

Death on the Job: 2017 Fatality Numbers Released Read More »

Time’s Up to spend CBS donation on a new diversity initiative

Les Moonves, the former CBS CEO who has been credibly accused by many women of sexual violence and coercion along with the systematic destruction and obstruction of female talent and women-centric shows at his network, is still angling for the exit package of his dreams. Though originally owed $120 million, Moonves may be left holding …

Time’s Up to spend CBS donation on a new diversity initiative Read More »

Trump administration begs SCOTUS to let it ban transgender people from the military now

The Trump administration, in a series of emergency briefs on Thursday, pleaded with the Supreme Court to allow a ban on transgender people serving in the military to take effect, rather that waiting a year to take up the case. The Department of Justice initially filed a set of briefs over Thanksgiving weekend asking the Court to …

Trump administration begs SCOTUS to let it ban transgender people from the military now Read More »

The Group That Brought Us Janus Is Waging a New Stealth Attack On Unions

Last week, a case was filed in federal court in Pennsylvania that may mark another major front in the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation’s (NRTW) war on labor. Though the NRTW has been attacking labor since its official founding in 1955, it has only recently come into its moment, having enormous success with the courts. …

The Group That Brought Us Janus Is Waging a New Stealth Attack On Unions Read More »

New York City’s transgender community faces significant employment discrimination, new report finds

The New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP) released a new report Tuesday detailing systemic discrimination against transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people across the city. Compared to the general New York City population, TGNC individuals are five times more likely to be unemployed, and among those with college degrees, more than four times more likely to be …

New York City’s transgender community faces significant employment discrimination, new report finds Read More »

The Other Victims of California’s Fires: Workers Inhaling Toxic Fumes

With the death toll now standing at 42 and with some 7,200 structures destroyed, officials are now calling the wildfire in Paradise, CA (dubbed the “Camp Fire”) the deadliest and most destructive in California’s recent history. Two other massive fires—dubbed the Hill Fire and Woolsey Fire are simultaneously scorching Southern California. As frontline firefighters—including many prison laborers—continue to …

The Other Victims of California’s Fires: Workers Inhaling Toxic Fumes Read More »

Minimum wage increases pass in Arkansas and Missouri

Voters in Arkansas and Missouri have approved a ballot initiative that would significantly raise the minimum wage in their states, affecting nearly 1 million workers. Despite President Donald Trump carrying both Arkansas and Missouri during the 2016 election and disapproval from Republican state legislatures, voters overwhelmingly voted in favor of a minimum wage hike, with …

Minimum wage increases pass in Arkansas and Missouri Read More »

One Way to Defend Transgender People From Trump’s Attacks? Labor Unions.

A New York Times report this week revealed that the Trump administration’s assault on transgender, non-binary and intersex people has escalated. According to a memo circulating since last spring and recently obtained by the Times, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is at the helm of an effort to define gender as either male or female, immutable and determined by …

One Way to Defend Transgender People From Trump’s Attacks? Labor Unions. Read More »

EEOC reports (mostly) positive developments on sexual harassment

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports that formal complaints of sexual harassment complaints are up significantly from 2017. The EEOC is also litigating substantially more harassment cases. Amid the uptick in reported harassment, there is evidence that men are changing their behavior – in good and bad ways. While the impact of the #MeToo movement …

EEOC reports (mostly) positive developments on sexual harassment Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.