
Here Are the 10 Worst Attacks on Workers From Trump’s First Year

January 20th marks the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Since taking office, President Trump has overseen a string of policies that will harm working people and benefit corporations and the rich. Here we present a list of the 10 worst things Congress and Trump have done to undermine pay growth and erode working conditions …

Here Are the 10 Worst Attacks on Workers From Trump’s First Year Read More »

Walmart raises minimum pay again, while Sam’s Club closes many stores

There are the Walmart-related headlines Walmart wants you to read, the headlines Donald Trump wants you to read and the headlines neither Walmart nor Trump want you to read. Walmart wants you to read the good news: it’s raising its minimum wage from $9-10 to $11 an hour, and expanding paid parental leave benefits. Donald Trump wants …

Walmart raises minimum pay again, while Sam’s Club closes many stores Read More »

Trump took credit for airline safety in 2017. What about the surge in coal miner deaths?

President Donald Trump is taking credit for what a new study is calling the safest year on record for commercial aviation. The president, however, is refusing to take responsibility for what his mine safety agency is saying was a year where almost twice as many coal mine workers died on the job than the final …

Trump took credit for airline safety in 2017. What about the surge in coal miner deaths? Read More »

Trump Dept. of Labor Rule Would Legalize Employers Stealing Workers’ Tips

Last week, the Trump administration launched yet another front in its war on workers when the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a new rule that would allow restaurants and other employers of tipped workers to begin legally pocketing their workers’ tips.  The DOL’s proposed rule would ostensibly allow restaurants to take the tips that servers …

Trump Dept. of Labor Rule Would Legalize Employers Stealing Workers’ Tips Read More »

Working People Need a Strong CFPB with a Leader Who Supports Its Existence

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created after the Great Recession of 2008 wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy, causing millions of families to lose their homes to foreclosure and forcing millions of working people onto the unemployment rolls. Its mission is to protect working people from tricks and traps in consumer financial products like …

Working People Need a Strong CFPB with a Leader Who Supports Its Existence Read More »

Don’t Pass Huge Tax Cuts for the Wealthy on the Backs of Working People

Republican leaders in the U.S. Senate have proposed a job-killing tax plan that favors the super-rich and wealthy corporations over working people. We cannot afford to let this bill become law. Here’s why this plan is a bad idea: Millions of working people would pay more. People making under $40,000 would be worse off, on average, …

Don’t Pass Huge Tax Cuts for the Wealthy on the Backs of Working People Read More »

This is the elaborate system Congress created to protect sexual predators on Capitol Hill

On Tuesday, BuzzFeed reported that numerous woman on the staff of Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) say the congressman repeatedly sexually harassed them. Conyers’ conduct allegedly included “requests for sexual favors…caressing their hands sexually, and rubbing their legs and backs in public.” In at least one case, a woman who rebuffed Conyers’ advances says she was fired. Yet …

This is the elaborate system Congress created to protect sexual predators on Capitol Hill Read More »

Republicans want to give corporations yet another tax cut and call it paid family leave

Americans want paid family leave—something people in most nations around the world already get. So it sounds like something to cheer that there’s a paid family leave provision in the Senate Republican tax plan, right? Yeah, no. This is very much a Republican family leave proposal, which is to say it’s a giveaway to big …

Republicans want to give corporations yet another tax cut and call it paid family leave Read More »

The Right Wing Has a Vast, Secret Plot to Destroy Unions for Good. Here’s How to Fight Back.

The vast right-wing network of Koch brother-funded “think tanks” is now plotting to finish off the public sector labor movement once and for all. In a series of fundraising documents obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy of Madison, Wis., and published in the Guardian, the CEO of a cartel of 66 well-funded arch-conservative state capitol lobbying …

The Right Wing Has a Vast, Secret Plot to Destroy Unions for Good. Here’s How to Fight Back. Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.