
Ivanka Trump supports her father’s decision to stop monitoring the wage gap

Despite her supposed support for equal pay, Ivanka Trump backed a recent White House decision to end an Obama administration rule that would have required businesses to monitor the salaries of employees of different genders, races, and ethnicities in an effort to prevent employment discrimination. Ivanka said in a statement that the policy, which would have taken effect this spring, would …

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Trump’s transgender military ban met with backlash

President Donald Trump signed a long-awaited directive Friday evening that bans transgender people from enlisting in the U.S. military and bans the Department of Defense from providing military treatment to current transgender service members. The directive follows an announcement Trump made on Twitter last month, blindsiding the defense secretary and the public more broadly — and like last time, …

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As Media Focuses on Russia Collusion, Trump Is Quietly Stacking the Labor Board with Union Busters

It might not get as much press coverage as other Donald Trump administration calamities, but the U.S. president is set to appoint a known union buster to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), push the body to a Republican majority and reverse Obama-era protections that rankle Big Business. On July 13, the Senate Health, Education, …

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Republicans Working Against Workers

Ever-worsening is the chasm between the loaded, who luxuriate in gated communities, and the workers, who are hounded at their rickety gates by bill collectors. Even though last week’s Bureau of Labor Statistics report showed unemployment at a low 4.4 percent, wages continue to flatline, killing both opportunity and the consumer economy. Meanwhile, corporations persist …

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Recognizing Signs of Age Discrimination in the Workplace

In the ideal workplace, employees would be evaluated based on their knowledge, skills, and work ethic. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Employment discrimination and other forms of discrimination can plague a workplace. For an employer, it’s not only a bad idea to discriminate against someone because of his or her age – it’s …

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If Trump Has His Way, You’ll Certainly Miss This Agency You Probably Don’t Even Know Exists

The Trump Administration has released its proposed budget for the 2018 fiscal year. Who’s set to lose big if this budget comes to fruition? Women—specifically working women and their families. The only federal agency devoted to women’s economic security—the Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau—is on the chopping block. The agency, which currently has a budget of only …

If Trump Has His Way, You’ll Certainly Miss This Agency You Probably Don’t Even Know Exists Read More »

The House GOP health care bill is a job killer, says a new report

 In addition to potentially increasing the number of uninsured by 23 million and being unequivocally unpopular, House Republicans’ Obamacare replacement plan could leave nearly a million people unemployed. That’s according to a new study published Wednesday by the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University and The Commonwealth Fund projects, which finds that the U.S. economy could …

The House GOP health care bill is a job killer, says a new report Read More »

Fox News faces new legal trouble for sexual harassment

The New York State Division of Human Rights (SDHR) is investigating Fox News for claims of sexual harassment and retaliation, according to attorney Lisa Bloom. Bloom told ThinkProgress over the phone that a human rights specialist at the agency confirmed the investigation to her on Friday. According to Bloom, the agency has spoken to one …

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.