
Trump’s Family Leave: An Empty Envelope for American Workers

The White House budget dispels any hopes Trump might keep his promise to extend a helping hand to the nation’s millions of small business workers with a family and medical leave act that works for them. Instead, the Trump team hands American workers an empty envelope. Small business owners had reasons to hope: since the campaign, …

Trump’s Family Leave: An Empty Envelope for American Workers Read More »

The Time Is Now to Stand Up for the CFPB

Mark Feuer, the Los Angeles City Attorney who helped hold Wells Fargo accountable for creating millions of fake accounts without customers’ knowledge, now warns against efforts by the Trump administration and Congress to dismantle the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “I’m appalled at the spectacle of the House attempting to dismantle or at least severely diminish the CFPB,” …

The Time Is Now to Stand Up for the CFPB Read More »

Want To Speak Out About Politics at Work? Here Are 3 Things You Need to Know.

In the past several months, there’s been a noted uptick in political speech at work. That speech has often made national news, from Sally Yates’ dismissal as interim attorney general to IBM workers organizing against their employer’s support of Donald Trump. In the early days of the Trump administration, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance’s strike against …

Want To Speak Out About Politics at Work? Here Are 3 Things You Need to Know. Read More »

What Slashing the Labor Department Budget by 21 Percent Would Mean

The Trump administration’s “budget blueprint” would devastate worker safety, job training programs and legal services essential to low-income workers. Its cuts include a 21 percent, or $2.5 billion, reduction in the Department of Labor’s budget. The budget would reduce funding for or eliminate programs that provide job training to low-income workers, unemployed seniors, disadvantaged youth …

What Slashing the Labor Department Budget by 21 Percent Would Mean Read More »

Americans are now twice as likely to work in solar as in coal

In his first hour as president, Donald Trump promised to resurrect middle-class manufacturing jobs in the United States. It will be all but impossible for him to reverse the tides of globalization and automation, but the future may nonetheless be bright for the American worker, thanks to a trend that predates and will outlast the …

Americans are now twice as likely to work in solar as in coal Read More »

Delivery Drivers Sue Amazon Over Misclassification, Failure to Pay Overtime and the Minimum Wage

With wage and hour lawsuits becoming increasingly common across the country, there was little reason for the lawyers at Amazon.com’s Seattle headquarters to be surprised when one landed on their doorstep recently. But they may have been concerned to learn that their newest legal adversary is “Sledgehammer Shannon” Liss-Riordan, a Boston attorney who gained legal …

Delivery Drivers Sue Amazon Over Misclassification, Failure to Pay Overtime and the Minimum Wage Read More »

Chicago Teachers Are on the Verge of Striking—This Is Why

Chicago teachers will likely take to the streets early Tuesday in an escalation of their campaign to defend their jobs and improve the education of the students and the communities they serve. The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has said it will strike if no deal is reached by midnight. Four years ago, the CTU won a …

Chicago Teachers Are on the Verge of Striking—This Is Why Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.