
This week in the war on workers: Philadelphia airport workers plan strike during DNC

On Tuesday, workers at the Philadelphia airport rallied ahead of a possible strike next week. The workers are trying to draw attention to their low wages—last year, they won $12 an hour and are now fighting to get to $15. And next week is a good time to get attention for their struggle, with the Democratic National Convention …

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What’s Taking Little Rock Back To Its Segregated Past?

Stories about historic efforts to address racial segregation in American public education often start with Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957. But the story of Little Rock and segregation badly needs updating. Central High became one of the first practical tests of principles established in Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court …

What’s Taking Little Rock Back To Its Segregated Past? Read More »

Inside the Corporate Utopias Where Capitalism Rules and Labor Laws Don’t Apply

UNDER CAMBODIAN LAW, THE RIGHT TO ORGANIZE IS SUPPOSED TO BE IRONCLAD.  No employer, government agent or citizen may impede union activity. Inside the walls of Cambodia’s largest special economic zones (SEZs), however, In These Times’ reporters saw a system designed to tightly control the workforce by keeping workers fenced in and unions out. More …

Inside the Corporate Utopias Where Capitalism Rules and Labor Laws Don’t Apply Read More »

Last Chance to Make Corporations Come Clean on Tax Havens

People who want multi;national corporations to be held accountable for their tax-dodging tactics only have a few more hours Thursday to tell the Security and Exchange Commission to support a tough rule that would go a long way toward making that happen. The SEC is soliciting comments until 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on a new …

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From New York to the Arab Gulf, Challenging Global Capitalism to Build Worker Power

Over the past decade, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and other Gulf States have started buying up franchises—and not just McDonald’s. These days the Gulf States are purchasing branches of universities like NYU and museums like the Guggenheim in New York City, part of peppering their societies with the “obligatory landmarks for the global investor …

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Financial Transactions/Wall Street Speculation Tax Picks Up Steam

The idea of putting a small “Robin Hood” tax on financial transactions has been kicking around for a while, but in the last month the idea has picked up some real steam. The Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), also called a “Wall Street Speculation Tax,” proposal asks for a small tax on financial transactions. Such a …

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This week in the war on workers: Temps win back a labor right stripped by Bush administration

Until now, if temp workers wanted to unionize into the same bargaining units as permanent workers, both bosses—the one running the workplace, and the staffing agency “employing” the temps—had to agree. Which: Ha ha ha ha ha, yeah, no. That requirement dates back to the George W. Bush administration, of course, but now President Obama’s …

This week in the war on workers: Temps win back a labor right stripped by Bush administration Read More »

Trumka: Passage of Strong Trade Amendment Marks Major Milestone

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka issued the following statement in reaction to the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee’s passage of a trade amendment during its Orlando, Florida, meeting: Today marks a major milestone for everyone who believes in the high standard that trade should raise wages and create good jobs in America. The Democratic Party’s adoption of strong, …

Trumka: Passage of Strong Trade Amendment Marks Major Milestone Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.