
Trumka: Obama Budget Falls Short on Corporate Tax Reform, Infrastructure

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka released the following statement on President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2016 budget proposal: In the State of the Union, President Obama forcefully advocated for working families and the bold actions we need to create an economy that truly works for all working people. His budget follows through with a number of proposals that …

Trumka: Obama Budget Falls Short on Corporate Tax Reform, Infrastructure Read More »

The Supreme Court Case That Could Decimate American Public Sector Unionism

Last week, an appeal was sent to the U.S. Supreme Court for a case that could prove to be the most damaging case to labor in decades. Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association aims to overturn a nearly 40-year precedent which allows the use of “fair share” fees for public sector unions, wherein all union members …

The Supreme Court Case That Could Decimate American Public Sector Unionism Read More »

Labor Relations Board Under Renewed Attack

Conservatives in Congress this week launched a renewed effort to weaken the ability of workers to get justice in the workplace against anti-labor behavior by businesses. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) announced a bill Wednesday that would cripple the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an agency that is instrumental …

Labor Relations Board Under Renewed Attack Read More »

Three Changes to Improve the Lives of Low Income and Middle Class Families

On January 20, 2015, President Obama laid out what I think are three things that can make a difference in the lives of low income and middle class workers. 1. Child Care There is a need now more than ever for affordable child care, especially since in many homes both parents are in the workforce. …

Three Changes to Improve the Lives of Low Income and Middle Class Families Read More »

Woman Says Employer Forced Her To Take Unpaid Leave While Pregnant

While Jamie Cole’s doctor was monitoring her pregnancy because she had suffered preeclampsia with a previous one, she was still healthy. Her doctor simply told her to continue working as normal, just without heavy lifting. “The only restriction I had was lifting,” she told ThinkProgress. Given that the Sava Senior Care’s Brian Center nursing home …

Woman Says Employer Forced Her To Take Unpaid Leave While Pregnant Read More »

The President Vs. TPP: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

It’s pretty simple: you can’t advance a progressive agenda, or even one you call “liberal”, that claims to want to combat inequality AND go all out to ram through the Trans Pacific Partnership using the odious “Fast track” authority. Here are the contradictions. Hat tip to Global Trade Watch for this comparison using the president’s …

The President Vs. TPP: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Read More »

GOP lawmaker: Minimum wage is for teenagers and minorities

Here’s California Republican Rep. Tom McClintock explaining why he wants to keep the minimum wage at a poverty level out of compassion and concern for workers: “Only [raise the minimum wage] if you want to rip the first rung in the ladder of opportunity for teenagers, for minorities, for people who are trying to get …

GOP lawmaker: Minimum wage is for teenagers and minorities Read More »

Trumka: Obama ‘Forcefully Advocated for Working Families’ in State of Union

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said, “President Obama eloquently and forcefully advocated for working families throughout his State of the Union Address,” last night. He also said: ‘The  president’s focus on raising wages through collective bargaining, better paying jobs, a fairer tax code, fair overtime rules, and expanded access to education and earned leave sent the …

Trumka: Obama ‘Forcefully Advocated for Working Families’ in State of Union Read More »

Rep. Keith Ellison’s Low-wage Worker Organizer SOTU Guest: “I go with a conflicted heart”

Today I will accompany U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, representing low-wage workers’ voices at President Barack Obama’s sixth State of the Union. While I am honored, I go with a conflicted heart. Yesterday the radio was filled with speeches from the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Today I will stand beside the first African American …

Rep. Keith Ellison’s Low-wage Worker Organizer SOTU Guest: “I go with a conflicted heart” Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.