
Advocating for Your Rights Even in Your First Interview

Going in for your first job interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, no matter what. Whether you’ve been out of the working world for a while, or you’re just looking for something new, it’s normal to be a bit nervous for interviews. But, don’t let those nerves overshadow your own rights. When you stand up …

Advocating for Your Rights Even in Your First Interview Read More »

Trump hails ‘manufacturing miracle’ as factories bleed jobs

Trump’s anti-trade agenda and a pandemic-induced recession have combined to shutter factories and accelerate decades-old trends toward automation, eliminating hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs, many for good, including in the Rust Belt states he needs to win in November. The president’s path to the Oval Office was paved by his victory in this factory-intense region, where a …

Trump hails ‘manufacturing miracle’ as factories bleed jobs Read More »

Trump makes his pitch to white working-class voters, but some who’ve felt his impact push back

Donald Trump needs white working-class voters. Much of the Republican National Convention (RNC) was aimed at white working-class people who may not have voted in recent elections but are seen as gettable for Trump this November—if he can turn them out. But the white working class isn’t monolithic, either, and there are warning signs for Trump among the …

Trump makes his pitch to white working-class voters, but some who’ve felt his impact push back Read More »

Postal workers are speaking out to save our democracy, this week in the war on workers

As Postmaster General Louis DeJoy slows down mail delivery to help Donald Trump accomplish his goal of undermining mail-in voting and to continue the decades-long Republican war on the U.S. Postal Service, postal workers have sounded the alarm. “You don’t just go and tell management, ‘Hey, I saw that. That’s not allowed,’ ” Scott Adams, an …

Postal workers are speaking out to save our democracy, this week in the war on workers Read More »

One in five child care workers has lost their job during the pandemic

One of the industries hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic is also one of the industries on which others rest, often invisibly. Without child care, parents struggle to do their own jobs. And child care is in a major crisis. One in five child care jobs has disappeared since February. Those losses are a jobs crisis for women, and …

One in five child care workers has lost their job during the pandemic Read More »

Working Life Episode 195: How to Steal an Election 101; Haitian Garment Workers Rise Up

Voting in America, compared to many other countries, is not easy. That’s always been true. Donald Trump’s relentless effort to undermine the vote in November, in this case by crippling the postal service and trying to make it impossible for ballots to be counted on time, is surely corrupt. But, the undermining of the vote …

Working Life Episode 195: How to Steal an Election 101; Haitian Garment Workers Rise Up Read More »

The Post Office Belongs to the Public. Let’s not Give it to Wall Street.

On June 15, Louis DeJoy of Greensboro, N.C., began his new job as Postmaster General of the United States. We are postal worker union activists who also hail from Greensboro (and are now American Postal Workers Union president and solidarity representative, respectively). For decades we have defended the interests of the public Postal Service and …

The Post Office Belongs to the Public. Let’s not Give it to Wall Street. Read More »

Nevada’s Labor Movement Comes Together to Support Each Other

As the backbone of Nevada’s gaming and hospitality industry, more than 98% of the 60,000 members of the Culinary Workers Union/UNITE HERE Local 226 and thousands of other union members have been laid off since the pandemic began. Now, Nevada’s labor movement is swiftly responding to the unprecedented scale of need among union members and …

Nevada’s Labor Movement Comes Together to Support Each Other Read More »

Social distancing complaints at city businesses flood 311

The few commercial establishments still operating in New York City saw more than 1,500 complaints of inadequate social distancing in a single week, as officials struggle to keep residents of the most densely populated big city in America away from each other. Even with Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo closing nonessential businesses …

Social distancing complaints at city businesses flood 311 Read More »

Working or Unemployed, Construction Workers Are Screwed

With no firm national standards about shutting down construction projects as the coronavirus stalks the nation, building trade unions and their members are facing a grim multidimensional crisis: high unemployment, faltering pensions, lost benefits, plummeting dues revenue—and, for those who do remain on the job, the constant question of whether they should quit in order …

Working or Unemployed, Construction Workers Are Screwed Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.