
Millions Face Bleak Winter When Jobless Aid Ends Nov. 30

More than 1 million long-term unemployed workers a  month will lose their unemployment benefits—the weekly check that helps keep a roof over their families’ heads and food on the table—if Congress doesn’t act by Nov. 30. That’s the date the extended unemployment insurance (UI) benefits program expires. But Congress does not return to work until Nov. 15 …

Millions Face Bleak Winter When Jobless Aid Ends Nov. 30 Read More »

We Shall Overcome

Sure, times are tough. One of the most interesting discussions I’ve ever read about surviving tough times comes from a book called, “The Lessons of Experience: How successful executives develop on the job” by McCall, Lombardo and Morrison (Lexington Books, 1988). The book was a result of extensive interviews with executives on many topics. The …

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As Netroots Rage at Gibbs, Long-Term Jobless Left Behind

Amid the anger among progressives over White House spokesman Robert Gibbs’ attack on the”professional left,” a leading cause of the wide-ranging disenchantment with President Obama that threatens Democrats in November remains untouched: long-term joblessness. The new, scaled-down legislation signed by Obama yesterday to save teachers’ jobs and help states pay for Medicaid won’t help the nearly 30 million …

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A Decade of High Unemployment & Falling Wages… Or We Could Create Jobs & Help our Cities

Left to itself, the U.S. economy may not return to its pre-recession rate of unemployment until 2021, says a new study from the Center for Economic and Policy Research. Even under the more optimistic growth assumptions of the Congressional Budget Office, we’ve got five more years of high unemployment coming, as CEPR notes. If that’s …

A Decade of High Unemployment & Falling Wages… Or We Could Create Jobs & Help our Cities Read More »

Deficit Craze Stiffs Jobless Again — 3 Million Could Lose Benefits in July

Deficit-mania has struck Washington again, with most Democrats and the Obama administration essentially accepting the propaganda of deficit hawks while also calling for extending unemployment insurance benefits. The result? The Senate failed again to pass a relatively bare-bones “stand-alone” benefits extension bill that doesn’t even include a COBRA extension, or aid to the states to …

Deficit Craze Stiffs Jobless Again — 3 Million Could Lose Benefits in July Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.