
Unemployment claims jump back over 1 million

States have been processing roughly 1 million new unemployment applications each week since mid-March. The number of workers applying for unemployment benefits jumped to 1.1 million last week, the Labor Department reported Thursday, the first time in two weeks that new claims have gone up. States have been processing roughly 1 million new unemployment applications …

Unemployment claims jump back over 1 million Read More »

New unemployment claims fall below 1 million for the first time in five months

The number of workers filing jobless claims last week fell to 963,000. New unemployment claims fell last week to 963,000, the Labor Department reported Thursday, the first time in months the figure has been less than 1 million. An additional 488,622 laid-off workers filed for jobless aid under the new pandemic unemployment assistance program, created …

New unemployment claims fall below 1 million for the first time in five months Read More »

‘Can’t possibly be serious’: Trump’s bid to shore up jobless aid falls short

The president’s order depends on already cash-poor states being able to create and implement a new system and fund one-fourth of the aid. Tens of millions of jobless Americans are unlikely to see their weekly unemployment checks grow anytime soon — despite President Donald Trump’s executive action promising an extra $400 a week. The president’s …

‘Can’t possibly be serious’: Trump’s bid to shore up jobless aid falls short Read More »

Economy Gains 1.8 Million Jobs in June; Unemployment Declines to 10.2%

The U.S. economy gained 1.8 million jobs in July, and the unemployment rate declined to 10.2%, according to figures released Friday morning by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The improvements reflect the continued resumption of economic activity that previously was curtailed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month’s biggest job gains were in leisure and hospitality (+592,000), government (301,000), retail trade (258,000), professional and …

Economy Gains 1.8 Million Jobs in June; Unemployment Declines to 10.2% Read More »

Black workers are hurt most as Congress doesn’t extend unemployment

One mostly unintended—definitely on the Republican side—aspect of the $600 in added unemployment benefits is that it reduced racial disparities. But that means that one aspect of the $600 expiring is that those same racial disparities have come roaring back. Why? Because, for one thing “Black workers disproportionately live in states with the lowest benefit levels …

Black workers are hurt most as Congress doesn’t extend unemployment Read More »

South Florida AFL-CIO Rallies for Unemployment Insurance

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of those stories every day. Here’s today’s story. The South Florida AFL-CIO, led by President Jeffrey Mitchell (TWU), partnered with Rise Up Florida! …

South Florida AFL-CIO Rallies for Unemployment Insurance Read More »

Big support for $600 unemployment benefit, but people don’t know who to blame for its lapse

Americans want the $600 pandemic unemployment benefit renewed by a huge margin, a new poll from HuffPost/YouGov finds. Continuing the benefits gets 54% support with just 29% of people opposed.  What’s incredibly frustrating in the poll, though, is that 39% of people say congressional Democrats are “at least somewhat responsible” for the expanded unemployment lapsing last …

Big support for $600 unemployment benefit, but people don’t know who to blame for its lapse Read More »

State and local governments have shed 1.5 million jobs in pandemic

State and local governments have hemorrhaged 1.5 million jobs since February, the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) reports. Nine states lost more than one in 10 state and local government jobs, and in 17 states, more than 10% of jobs in education were lost. But that’s just a down payment on the carnage that’s coming if Senate …

State and local governments have shed 1.5 million jobs in pandemic Read More »

‘A meaningful hit to the economy’: What could happen if Congress cuts unemployment benefits

White House economic advisers and GOP lawmakers including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell contend the extra payment acts as a disincentive for workers to seek new jobs. More than 30 million people are receiving unemployment benefits and new applications for jobless aid have started to rise again. But Republicans want to reduce a $600 enhanced …

‘A meaningful hit to the economy’: What could happen if Congress cuts unemployment benefits Read More »

‘Oil on the inequality fire’: How slashing jobless aid could widen the wealth gap

Congress appears poised to dramatically reduce a federal program that has been providing an extra $600 per week for jobless workers since the spring. How Congress decides to help the tens of millions of unemployed workers during the pandemic could determine whether the stark gap between America’s rich and poor will continue to widen amid …

‘Oil on the inequality fire’: How slashing jobless aid could widen the wealth gap Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.