
New unemployment claims rose last week to 1.4M, ending months of declines

The Department of Labor data will likely fuel the urgency in Washington to quickly extend enhanced federal pandemic unemployment benefits. Unemployment claims rose to 1.4 million last week, up about 100,000 from the week before, the Labor Department reported, ending 15 weeks of consecutive declines in new applications. An additional 975,000 people applied for aid …

New unemployment claims rose last week to 1.4M, ending months of declines Read More »

A gap in federal unemployment benefits is now unavoidable. Here’s why.

State offices will need weeks to reprogram their systems to account for an extension of the $600 weekly federal payments that expire on Saturday. Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits in time for overwhelmed state unemployment systems to adjust their …

A gap in federal unemployment benefits is now unavoidable. Here’s why. Read More »

Maine AFL-CIO Calls on Senate to Extend $600 Lifeline to Unemployed Workers

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of those stories every day. Here’s today’s story. The Maine AFL-CIO, led by President Cynthia Phinney (IBEW), is publicly pushing its senators to …

Maine AFL-CIO Calls on Senate to Extend $600 Lifeline to Unemployed Workers Read More »

$600 weekly jobless benefit will likely lapse before more aid is passed

Laid off workers would see a lapse in the additional benefits — reducing their weekly income by more than two-thirds in many states. Congress will likely allow the $600-a-week boost in unemployment benefits to expire at the end of this month if lawmakers follow Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s proposed timeline for the next round …

$600 weekly jobless benefit will likely lapse before more aid is passed Read More »

Women, minorities disproportionately reliant on jobless aid, data shows

“It is not a stretch to say this policy choice is also a racial justice policy choice,” the Economic Policy Institute’s Heidi Shierholz said. Women and racial minorities are disproportionately reliant on unemployment insurance, economic data shows, leaving them most vulnerable if Congress decides not to renew the expanded benefits that are set to expire …

Women, minorities disproportionately reliant on jobless aid, data shows Read More »

Striking Out with Unemployment Benefits: Minor League Baseball (MLB) Players Hurdle to Collect Unemployment Insurance Benefits

MLB and its players have begun discussing a way to restart the 2020 season following the COVID-19 delay. During this process, more than 1,000 players have been released from their contracts and have become free agents according to Forbes, while others are facing uncertainty on if they will also be released from their contracts or …

Striking Out with Unemployment Benefits: Minor League Baseball (MLB) Players Hurdle to Collect Unemployment Insurance Benefits Read More »

‘It’s all backwards-looking’: June’s positive jobs data obscures a grimmer reality

Thursday’s jobless data failed to capture the latest devastation, economists say. Thursday’s monthly jobs numbers look great on paper: 4.8 million jobs were added in June as states reopened. But those numbers are a deceiving bump — with the resurgence of the virus and a fresh wave of shutdowns, the reality of the job market is …

‘It’s all backwards-looking’: June’s positive jobs data obscures a grimmer reality Read More »

Economy Gains 4.8 Million Jobs in June; Unemployment Declines to 11.1%

The U.S. economy gained 4.8 million jobs in June, and the unemployment rate declined to 11.1%, according to figures released Thursday morning by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The improvements reflect the continued resumption of economic activity that previously was curtailed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month’s biggest job gains were in leisure and hospitality (+2.1 million), retail trade (740,000), …

Economy Gains 4.8 Million Jobs in June; Unemployment Declines to 11.1% Read More »

Labor Secretary Scalia Wrongly Rejects Federal Role in Enforcing Unemployment Rights of Workers Who Refuse Unsafe Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the structural challenges that have plagued the nation’s unemployment insurance (UI) system for decades. Reduced federal funding starved the program of the resources needed to upgrade its antiquated IT infrastructure, causing state systems to slow to a crawl and crash amid the unprecedented volume of claims over the last …

Labor Secretary Scalia Wrongly Rejects Federal Role in Enforcing Unemployment Rights of Workers Who Refuse Unsafe Work Read More »

These Workers Don’t Get Aid and Are Going Hungry. A Tax on New York Billionaires Could Help Them.

Coronavirus cases continue to climb across the Southern and Western United States. In New York, previously the nation’s epicenter, many of the residents reeling from the economic consequences are excluded from any government assistance. Clara Cortes lives in Long Island with her family. Both she and her husband tested positive for the virus, and while …

These Workers Don’t Get Aid and Are Going Hungry. A Tax on New York Billionaires Could Help Them. Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.