union mobilizing

Why Amazon Is Fighting So Hard to Stop Warehouse Workers From Unionizing

Thousands of warehouse workers at an Amazon plant in Bessemer, Alabama, are at the center of a potentially game-changing union vote taking place right now. On February 8, the warehouse workers were sent ballots by mail to decide over the next seven weeks if they want to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU). Just …

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RWDSU-UFCW Leads Organizing Drive at Amazon Fulfillment Center in Alabama

The strongest effort to create a union at Amazon in many years is underway in Bessemer, Alabama. Organizers with the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union-UFCW (RWDSU-UFCW) have been working with employees at the Amazon fulfillment center. By December, more than 2,000 workers had signed union cards, leading to an election set to begin in February. …

RWDSU-UFCW Leads Organizing Drive at Amazon Fulfillment Center in Alabama Read More »

Google workers form union, not to bargain a contract but to press the company to stop being evil

The tech industry’s overwhelmingly non-unionized status took a small but significant hit on Monday, with the announcement of the Alphabet Workers Union, a minority union at Google (the parent company of which is Alphabet). Their goal—at least in the short term—isn’t to win a union representation election and get the company to the bargaining table. It’s …

Google workers form union, not to bargain a contract but to press the company to stop being evil Read More »

Google Workers Say the Endless Wait to Unionize Big Tech Is Over

The five most valu­able com­pa­nies in Amer­i­ca are all big tech com­pa­nies, and none of them are union­ized. Com­pound­ing this exis­ten­tial chal­lenge for orga­nized labor is the fact that the huge work forces of the com­pa­nies make union­iz­ing them seem an impos­si­bly large task. Now, one union has solved that prob­lem with a rev­o­lu­tion­ary approach: Just start.  This morn­ing, …

Google Workers Say the Endless Wait to Unionize Big Tech Is Over Read More »

Why Workers Fought and Died for Union Hiring Halls

This is Part II of our spe­cial two-part episode with Taco­ma long­shore work­ers Zack Pat­tin and Bri­an ?“Skiff” Skiff­in­g­ton. Zack and Skiff are both mem­bers of the Inter­na­tion­al Long­shore and Ware­house Union (ILWU) Local 23 and orga­niz­ing lead­ers with the ILWU Young Work­ers Com­mit­tee. In Part I of our con­ver­sa­tion with Zack and Skiff, we talked about their wind­ing …

Why Workers Fought and Died for Union Hiring Halls Read More »

BAmazon Union: Anticipating the Battle in Bessemer, Alabama

Last Friday, representatives from the Retail Workers (RWDSU) went before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Region 10, seeking a quick union certification election. The election is to determine whether a majority of the employees at the newly opened Amazon Fulfillment Center (BHM1) in Bessemer—a small of suburb of Birmingham, Alabama—want union representation. Amazon was represented …

BAmazon Union: Anticipating the Battle in Bessemer, Alabama Read More »

The Stunning Workers’ Victory in New Mexico That You Haven’t Heard About

On March 5, New Mex­i­co Gov­er­nor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed H.B. 364, a major over­haul of New Mexico’s sys­tem of pub­lic sec­tor labor rela­tions. Hailed by the Team­sters as a nec­es­sary mod­ern­iza­tion and the Amer­i­can Fed­er­a­tion of Teach­ers (AFT) as a ?“big step” in the fight for pub­lic employ­ees, many of the bill’s mar­quee reforms pro­vide pro­ce­dur­al over­hauls for New Mexico’s sys­tem of …

The Stunning Workers’ Victory in New Mexico That You Haven’t Heard About Read More »

Dear Mackenzie: There’s One More Donation You Owe to the World

Dear Macken­zie Scott,  This week, you announced that you’ve made $4.2 bil­lion in char­i­ta­ble dona­tions in the past four months. For that you deserve an extreme­ly mod­est amount of con­grat­u­la­tions! You are, no doubt, besieged at all times by peo­ple who come to kiss your ass and beg for mon­ey. We come to you today with some­thing dif­fer­ent: moral …

Dear Mackenzie: There’s One More Donation You Owe to the World Read More »

With Gigs Canceled and No Relief, Musicians Form a Nationwide Union

Musi­cian Josephine Shet­ty, aka Kohi­noor­gasm, was prepar­ing for her West Coast spring tour in March when the pan­dem­ic-relat­ed can­cel­la­tions start­ed rolling in. Like many musi­cians, Shetty’s liveli­hood is pieced togeth­er from part-time work. She per­forms at under­ground spaces and small clubs, releas­es her own music and teach­es mid­dle school music class­es. ?“When you’re a per­son who works so …

With Gigs Canceled and No Relief, Musicians Form a Nationwide Union Read More »

Voluntary Recognition: Worker Wins

Despite the challenges of organizing during a deadly pandemic, working people across the country (and beyond) continue organizing, bargaining and mobilizing for a better life. This edition begins with several groups of organizers who won voluntary recognition of their new unions. Kentucky Democratic Party Staff Join IBEW: Staff at the Kentucky Democratic Party have joined …

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.