union mobilizing

California proves it’s not as liberal as you think

OAKLAND, Calif. — The myth of lockstep liberal California took a hit this election. Voters in the deep-blue state rejected a progressive push to reinstate affirmative action, sided with technology companies over organized labor and rejected rent control. They are poised to reject a business tax that had been a decadeslong priority for labor unions …

California proves it’s not as liberal as you think Read More »

What the workplace will look like under a Biden White House

The U.S. workplace will look much different with Joe Biden in the Oval Office — with some significant changes possible even if Republicans maintain a majority in the Senate. “Biden, who won the endorsement of almost every major union in the country, has made labor reform a fundamental part of his program and is widely expected to name at least …

What the workplace will look like under a Biden White House Read More »

Unions predict a Great Awakening during a Biden presidency

Labor leaders are eyeing a Joe Biden victory in November as the start of a union revival, one with the potential to undo decades of policies that have diminished union influence, undermined the right to organize and exacerbated income inequality. And they’re planning on playing a central role. “It’s clear to me it’s going to …

Unions predict a Great Awakening during a Biden presidency Read More »

How Unions Can Bridge the Gap Between Climate and Labor Movements

While U.S. union den­si­ty hit an all-time low in 2019, the non­prof­it sec­tor appears to be one area where work­ers are union­iz­ing. The Non­prof­it Pro­fes­sion­al Employ­ees Union (NPEU) brought sev­en new work­places into their union dur­ing a 16-day peri­od in April, includ­ing the envi­ron­men­tal orga­ni­za­tion Friends of the Earth. And while there is no offi­cial data on …

How Unions Can Bridge the Gap Between Climate and Labor Movements Read More »

A Bunch of Union Organizers Explain What’s Wrong with Unions

Here is the most fun­da­men­tal quandary of unions in Amer­i­ca: Polls show that 65% of Amer­i­cans approve of unions, and half of work­ers say they would join a union. But only about 10% of work­ers are actu­al­ly union mem­bers. In the yawn­ing gap between those num­bers lies the entire sto­ry of the Amer­i­can labor movement’s decline.  The sys­tem­at­ic decades-long assault on labor pow­er …

A Bunch of Union Organizers Explain What’s Wrong with Unions Read More »

Detroit Bus Drivers Strike over Violent Attacks

Detroit bus drivers, the first essential workers in the country to strike for safety during the pandemic, pulled a wildcat work stoppage again Friday, angry over escalating violence against drivers. Often the attacks are triggered, they said, by a driver’s request that a passenger wear a mask. Drivers returned to work this morning with a promise …

Detroit Bus Drivers Strike over Violent Attacks Read More »

California Labor Federation Wins New Protections for Workers

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story. Last Thursday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a package of bills to expand worker …

California Labor Federation Wins New Protections for Workers Read More »

Is the Conservative Case for Organized Labor an Oxymoron?

Oren Cass—con­ser­v­a­tive pol­i­cy wonk, 2012 Mitt Rom­ney advi­sor and exec­u­tive direc­tor of the new think tank Amer­i­can Com­pass (which does not dis­close its donors)—is a sur­pris­ing can­di­date for labor law reformer. That is exact­ly why his recent­ly launched project to build and define a “Con­ser­v­a­tive Future for the Amer­i­can Labor Move­ment” is draw­ing so much attention.  In a found­ing state­ment titled “Con­ser­v­a­tives Should Ensure Work­ers a Seat at the …

Is the Conservative Case for Organized Labor an Oxymoron? Read More »

Unite Here Is 85% Unemployed and Still Fighting Like Hell

No union in Amer­i­ca has been posi­tioned more direct­ly in the bulls­eye of this pandemic’s eco­nom­ic dev­as­ta­tion than Unite Here, the 300,000-member union of hotel, food ser­vice and casi­no work­ers. In April, its mem­bers were suf­fer­ing a stag­ger­ing 98% unem­ploy­ment rate. Almost six months lat­er, the union is stuck at about 85% unem­ploy­ment. Despite that, it is also the only …

Unite Here Is 85% Unemployed and Still Fighting Like Hell Read More »

Meet the Students Trying to Organize the First Campus-Wide Undergraduate Union

Inside the groundbreaking student organizing drive at Kenyon College. On August 31, stu­dents at Keny­on Col­lege, a pri­vate lib­er­al arts col­lege in Gam­bier, Ohio, announced their intent to union­ize with the Unit­ed Elec­tri­cal, Radio and Machine Work­ers of Amer­i­ca (UE) in an open let­ter to the school’s pres­i­dent and board of trustees. Stu­dents have request­ed vol­un­tary recog­ni­tion …

Meet the Students Trying to Organize the First Campus-Wide Undergraduate Union Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.