
The Complicated Story Behind Those Images of Terrified Air France Executives Fleeing Workers

“A picture has held us captive. And we cannot get outside it, for it lay in our language about France and it has been repeated inexorably.” Well, this is not what Ludwig Wittgenstein precisely said. Nor did the 20th century’s most enigmatic philosopher have in mind the photos of shirtless Air France executives scrambling up …

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Campbell Brown’s Dark Money And The War On Teachers’ Unions

Before Democratic Party presidential candidates readied for their first debate on CNN, they turned down an opportunity to meet at another forum. That meeting was to be hosted by ex-CNN anchorwoman Campbell Brown who now operates a media outlet, The Seventy Four, that promotes charter schools and other public education policies favored by wealthy foundations …

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Bosses Must Keep Up Dues Checkoff after Contract Expires, Says Labor Board

In a landmark decision called Lincoln Lutheran, the National Labor Relations Board has overruled 53 years of pro-employer precedent. By a 3-2 vote, the Board said that like most other contract terms, dues checkoff must be continued after contract expiration unless the parties agree on a new contract or the employer declares impasse and implements its …

Bosses Must Keep Up Dues Checkoff after Contract Expires, Says Labor Board Read More »

Sanders’ Workplace Democracy Act And The White House Worker Summit

Setting the stage for The White House Summit on Worker Voice, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) today introduced The Workplace Democracy Act. According to Sanders’ office, this legislation “would make it easier for workers to join unions and bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions.” The Workplace Democracy Act allows the …

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Adjuncts Win Union Contract at Maryland Institute College of Art

The national movement to unionize part-time faculty at U.S. colleges and universities has secured an initial beachhead in the Baltimore area with ratification of a first contract between Service Employees International Union Local 500 and the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). Voting on the ratification concluded in mid-September and a formal signing ceremony for …

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This week in the war on workers: UAW workers reject contract with Chrysler

After years of concessions, auto workers at Fiat Chrysler have had enough. They’ve voted to reject a contract recommended by UAW leadership that would have offered raises, but left in place the tier system in which some workers make significantly more than others. The Detroit Free Press reports that this is the first time since …

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Charter School Network Challenges NLRB Ruling Allowing Teach for America Members To Unionize

Detroit 90/90, the charter school management group that operates University Prep, the city’s largest charter school network, furthered its challenge of ongoing union organizing by the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), recently appealing a ruling made by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) last month that stated that Teach for America (TFA) members should be …

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Young Union Member Speaks at Large NYC Rally on Global Goals

Last night, hundreds of thousands of people gathered in cities all over the world to stand in solidarity around global goals to alleviate poverty, economic inequality and climate change. Even though people were in separate continents, countries and cities, from Australia to South Korea to the United States, they all gathered “Under One Sky” to come together …

Young Union Member Speaks at Large NYC Rally on Global Goals Read More »

NEWS FLASH: Labor Membership Boosts Incomes, Families And Economy

Study after study, report after report, and of course common sense and our own eyes are telling us that unions help people and the economy do better. It’s obvious. But the billionaires and big corporations want to keep pay and benefits low, and pay politicians to keep it that way. Which Democratic presidential candidates will …

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Want To Shrink The Wage Gap? Unions Are One Powerful Solution

There’s a stereotype of union members as, well, men. You know: The sweat-stained, blue-collar guy toiling at the construction site, or sweating in a factory. To be sure, it’s a stereotype that’s grounded in reality. Historically, unions have been a powerful conduit that enabled blue-collar men to enter and then build the American middle class. …

Want To Shrink The Wage Gap? Unions Are One Powerful Solution Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.