
Pizza-Making Strikers Win Small Slice of Justice in Milwaukee

The 14-month-long strike at Palermo’s Pizza in Milwaukee produced a small slice of justice this week for the Mexican immigrant workers who have been fighting for higher wages, safer conditions and a union voice at the frozen-pizza maker. Last Tuesday, Palermo’s finally agreed to comply with a finding by the National Labor Relations Board and …

Pizza-Making Strikers Win Small Slice of Justice in Milwaukee Read More »

In Streets of Chicago, Fast Food Workers Celebrate Small Victories

Chicago workers continued the roving fast food and retail strike Thursday, joining strikers and picketers around the nation calling for increased wages and better working conditions for the thousands of low-wage workers who staff some of the nation’s largest companies but are not paid even enough to scrape by. A crowd of workers and supporters sporting employee …

In Streets of Chicago, Fast Food Workers Celebrate Small Victories Read More »

Why the Revival of US Labor Might Start with Nonunion Workers

For workers in America, it can be hard to know where to turn when a boss pays you late or not at all, doesn’t provide benefits, or just yells at you for no good reason. That’s why a Working America, a “community affiliate” of the AFL-CIO that focuses specifically on nonunion workers, launched a website …

Why the Revival of US Labor Might Start with Nonunion Workers Read More »

Strong Grassroots Actions Block Mass. Pension Scheme

Union members in Swampscott, Mass., this week showed just how grassroots democracy works when a coalition of unions from the North Shore Labor Council mobilized to turn back an attack on public employees’ health care and retirement security. First a little background. In the Bay State, municipal employees’ health and retirement benefits, while negotiated on a local …

Strong Grassroots Actions Block Mass. Pension Scheme Read More »

Detroit Fast Food Workers’ Strike Shuts Down Locations

Fast food workers at more than 60 restaurants in Detroit walked off the job Friday. This may be the largest fast food strike in American history, involving more than 400 workers from McDonald’s, Long John Silver’s, Burger King, Popeyes and KFC. Some locations were forced to shut down. At issue is workers’ right to form a union …

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USW Paper Workers, Private Equity Firm Work to Keep Mills Open

Bucking a trend that has seen private equity firms buy business to bleed then shut down, United Steelworkers (USW) members at three Wisconsin paper mills and KPS Capital Partners have reached a new four-year collective bargaining agreement that workers ratified today. The agreement comes in anticipation of the private equity firm successfully creating the largest …

USW Paper Workers, Private Equity Firm Work to Keep Mills Open Read More »

New Twinkies Will Have a Missing Ingredient: Union Labor

The new owners of Twinkies snack cakes announced last week they will re-open four shuttered production plants in the coming months, but have no intention of doing business with the labor unions that have represented the workers at those bakeries for generations. When Hostess went bankrupt in November, prompting headlines like “Who Killed the Twinkie?”,management blamed …

New Twinkies Will Have a Missing Ingredient: Union Labor Read More »

BCTGM ‘Extremely Disappointed’ by Reports Hostess Brands Buyer Will Not Hire Union Members

Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM) issued a statement today, responding to the sale of the iconic Twinkies brand. In response to Metropoulos & Co. CEO C. Dean Metropoulos’ statement to The Wall Street Journal that the company will not hire union workers when reopening four former Hostess Brands bakeries, BCTGM International President David …

BCTGM ‘Extremely Disappointed’ by Reports Hostess Brands Buyer Will Not Hire Union Members Read More »

Hundreds of Chicago fast food and retail workers stage one-day strike, shutting some stores

Hundreds of Chicago fast food and retail workers walked out for a one-day strike Wednesday, following similar one-day strikes among New York City fast food workers earlier in April and inNovember. As in New York, the Chicago workers are calling for a wage of $15 an hour rather than the near-minimum wages most of them make, and …

Hundreds of Chicago fast food and retail workers stage one-day strike, shutting some stores Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.