
Transit Union Head: Future Depends on Organizing Riders

Following labor’s loss in Wisconsin’s recall, the leader of the nation’s largest transit union says building coalitions with riders, not organizing more drivers, is the top priority for his union’s future. Interviewed at last month’s Netroots Nation conference, Amalgamated Transit Union President Larry Hanley said that Wisconsinites’ willingness to keep their union-busting governor in office …

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Department of Energy Drops Language to Protect Collective Bargaining Agreements

Last year, In These Times detailed how the Obama’s Administration Department of Energy was helping one of its contractors, Honeywell, force concessions on unionized nuclear weapons workers in Kansas City. Now it appears that the Department of Energy for the first time is removing successor contract language that protects unionized workers as a contract shifts …

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Veterans working for government contractor forced to attend anti-union meetings at Fort Lewis

You survive two combat tours and you come home and find a job as a mechanic, refurbishing the Stryker combat vehicles that protected you while you were in a hostile land, with a government contractor that pays a decent wage. The workforce is about 50 percent veteran and 50 percent civilian. Your work place is …

Veterans working for government contractor forced to attend anti-union meetings at Fort Lewis Read More »

Workers and Their Unions Key to Economic Turnaround, Election Outcome

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) and Columbia University Professor Dorian Warren both say the best way to solve the nation’s economic crisis is to grow the middle class rather than allowing wealth to concentrate in fewer and fewer hands. Unions, they say, will play a vital role politically and economically in building a strong middle …

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Sneak Attack on Teachers’ Collective Bargaining Rights in Pennsylvania

Republican Gov. Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania is preparing a bill that could stealthily strip teachers’ collective bargaining rights in some of the state’s financially struggling school districts, according to members of the Pennsylvania State Education Association. Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania State Senate Education committee passed H.B. 1307, a bill allowing the state to declare …

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Amid ‘Sabotage’ Investigation, Honeywell Lays Off Plant’s Entire Union Workforce

Last Thursday, May 10, at around 2 p.m., managers walked into Honeywell’s uranium conversion plant in Metropolis, Ill., and told workers—both union and nonunion—they had to leave the plant immediately. Multiple workers present say a manager explained the sudden dismissal by noting that the company had to investigate “sabotage” of plant equipment. Since May 10, …

Amid ‘Sabotage’ Investigation, Honeywell Lays Off Plant’s Entire Union Workforce Read More »

CHARTS: Economic Mobility Is Stronger In Union States

The ability of American workers to be upwardly mobile in the economy depends heavily on where they live, according to a state-by-state analysis from Pew Charitable Trusts. The study, the first of its kind, found that workers in a group of states largely clustered in the Northeast and Midwest are more likely to achieve upward mobility, …

CHARTS: Economic Mobility Is Stronger In Union States Read More »

Chicago Lunch Ladies Push for Fresh Food for Students…and Job Security

School cafeteria food is the butt of many jokes. Despite national attention and student activism aimed at making school lunches tastier and healthier, and federal regulations mandating more fruits and veggies that take effect July 1, word on the ground is that it still leaves much to be desired, to say the least. Prepackaged highly processed salty and …

Chicago Lunch Ladies Push for Fresh Food for Students…and Job Security Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.