
The Message from the Amazon Union Defeat in Alabama Is Clear: Keep Organizing

On April 9, the National Labor Relations Board announced the results of a mail ballot certification election that concluded on March 29 for workers at the Amazon fulfillment center in Bessemer, Alabama. With 3,215 votes cast, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) was defeated with at least 1,608 votes against the union, enough to crush the drive. The result was not shocking given …

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Union defeat at Amazon warehouse turns spotlight to the Hill

The battle over organized labor’s clout will be focused more squarely on Capitol Hill now that workers at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama have soundly defeated an effort to form a union there. Supporters and opponents of legislation that would significantly bolster unions were refining their arguments on Friday in light of the outcome in …

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Amazon defeats Alabama union effort after dirty, but predictable, campaign

The union organizing effort at an Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, appears headed for defeat after the first day of counting ballots. There were 3,215 votes, with the count standing at 1,100 against unionizing to 463 in favor. Voting ended March 29, but before the counting began, hundreds of ballots were challenged, most by the company. If those could be …

Amazon defeats Alabama union effort after dirty, but predictable, campaign Read More »

Unions demand Biden cancel student debt for public service workers

Labor unions are making a new push to get the Education Department to use executive action to forgive the student loans of Americans working in public service jobs — the latest pressure from the left for the Biden administration to act more aggressively on student debt relief. A wide range of unions representing teachers, fire …

Unions demand Biden cancel student debt for public service workers Read More »

Success in the Tech Industry: Worker Wins

Despite the challenges of organizing during a deadly pandemic, working people across the country (and beyond) continue organizing, bargaining and mobilizing for a better life. This edition begins with: CODE-CWA’s Tech Industry Organizing Efforts Lead to Union Recognition at Mobilize: Workers at Mobilize, a community-organizing app, announced the formation of a new union as part of …

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Citing Unfair Labor Practices, 1,300 Steelworkers Strike in Five States

At 7:00 AM on Tuesday, March 30, 1,300Steelworkers employed by Allegheny Technologies Incorporated (ATI) walked out in protest at facilities in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. The strike comes just over a year after United Steelworkers began negotiations with ATI. According to a statement released that day, the union is dissatisfied with company demands for ?“major economic and contract language concessions.” United …

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For union battling Amazon, victory could bring a stalemate

For the union trying to organize nearly 6,000 workers at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama, a successful election in the coming weeks could only be the beginning of the struggle to reach a collective bargaining agreement with the company. Workers at the fulfillment center in Bessemer, a Birmingham suburb, have been voting since late February …

For union battling Amazon, victory could bring a stalemate Read More »

Get the Federal Government to Fund Union Organizing. Now.

Though you wouldn’t know it from the actions of the federal government over the past half century, it is the stated policy of the federal government to ?“encourage collective bargaining.” It’s right there in the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Unions and their political supporters have typically taken this to mean that collective bargaining rights should …

Get the Federal Government to Fund Union Organizing. Now. Read More »

‘Bellwether’ for unions: Amazon battle could transform Biden’s labor revival

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Friday thrust himself into the middle of a bitter labor dispute at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama where union leaders are locked in a two-month drive to organize workers. But the stakes in this battle go far beyond the struggle involving nearly 6,000 workers at the fulfillment center in Bessemer. “What …

‘Bellwether’ for unions: Amazon battle could transform Biden’s labor revival Read More »

New Hampshire Republicans Are Using Covid to Ram Through Right-to-Work Legislation

As fellow Democrats reveled in Donald Trump’s presidential defeat, New Hampshire State Rep. Doug Ley (also president of the American Federation of Teachers-New Hampshire) watched the election results with unease. Republicans captured both chambers of the General Court of New Hampshire, and Republican Gov. Chris Sununu handily won a third term.  In New Hampshire, a unified right-wing …

New Hampshire Republicans Are Using Covid to Ram Through Right-to-Work Legislation Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.