United Auto Workers

Volvo Workers Forced to Vote Again on Contract They Just Rejected

Auto Workers (UAW) officials are fed up with their striking members at Volvo Trucks in Virginia and are helping the company get them back to work under a contract members have rejected—three times. The strike has been running on and off, through three ratification votes, since April 17. Each time, local and International officials have …

Volvo Workers Forced to Vote Again on Contract They Just Rejected Read More »

Opening the Door to a More Democratic UAW

In December the leadership of the United Auto Workers reached a settlement with the Justice Department that opens the door to election of top union officers by referendum vote of the membership. That might well end more than 70 years of one-party control and help democratize a union once known for animated internal debate and competitive leadership …

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The UAW Vote in Mississippi is a Battle for the Soul of the U.S. Labor Movement

After years of painstaking work by United Auto Workers (UAW) organizers to build support for a union at the big Nissan auto and truck assembly plant near Canton, Miss., the workers themselves will vote today and tomorrow on whether to accept UAW their collective bargaining voice at the plant. “I think it [union approval] will …

The UAW Vote in Mississippi is a Battle for the Soul of the U.S. Labor Movement Read More »

Big Organizing Victory in the South: Volkswagen Workers to Be Represented by UAW

Another story about working people in the South successfully organizing comes our way via Chattanooga, Tennessee, where skilled trades employees at Volkswagen’s plant in the town voted overwhelmingly to be represented by UAW Local 42. More than 70% of workers who cast ballots voted for the union. Mike Cantrell, president of UAW Local 42, said: A key …

Big Organizing Victory in the South: Volkswagen Workers to Be Represented by UAW Read More »

2010 Vehicles Built By Union Members In The United States and Canada

Support union jobs in the U.S. and Canada This guide is prepared by the UAW to provide information for consumers who want to purchase vehicles produced by workers who enjoy the benefits and protections of a union contract. All these vehicles are made in the United States or Canada by members of the United Auto …

2010 Vehicles Built By Union Members In The United States and Canada Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.