
The Union Members Who Voted for Trump Have to Be Organized—Not Ignored

Although Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump will be leav­ing the White House, pro­gres­sives must reck­on with the fact that 74 mil­lion peo­ple?—?almost a third of whom came from house­holds mak­ing under $50,000—vot­ed for him. It is alarm­ing that so many work­ing-class peo­ple would vote against their class inter­ests, but per­haps most alarm­ing of all are the union mem­bers who were drawn …

The Union Members Who Voted for Trump Have to Be Organized—Not Ignored Read More »

“We Won’t Let Him”: Unions Nationwide Are Planning a General Strike If Trump Tries to Steal the Election

Amid wide­spread con­cerns that Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump will attempt to steal today’s elec­tion or refuse to leave office if he los­es, the lead­ers of mul­ti­ple Chica­go-area unions issued a joint state­ment on Mon­day com­mit­ting to take any non­vi­o­lent action nec­es­sary?—?up to and includ­ing a gen­er­al strike?—?to defend democracy. “Every sin­gle vote has to be count­ed,” says Sta­cy Davis Gates, vice pres­i­dent of the …

“We Won’t Let Him”: Unions Nationwide Are Planning a General Strike If Trump Tries to Steal the Election Read More »

Trump makes his pitch to white working-class voters, but some who’ve felt his impact push back

Donald Trump needs white working-class voters. Much of the Republican National Convention (RNC) was aimed at white working-class people who may not have voted in recent elections but are seen as gettable for Trump this November—if he can turn them out. But the white working class isn’t monolithic, either, and there are warning signs for Trump among the …

Trump makes his pitch to white working-class voters, but some who’ve felt his impact push back Read More »

What the 19th Amendment Meant for Black Women

One hundred years ago this month, suffragists celebrated the amendment’s adoption. For Black women, it wasn’t a culminating moment, but the start of a new fight to secure voting rights for all Americans. In August 1920, women across America celebrated the adoption of the 19th Amendment. At the National Woman’s Party headquarters in Washington, Alice …

What the 19th Amendment Meant for Black Women Read More »

Priorities USA launches Latino persuasion program in Florida

Priorities USA is focusing on Latinos early. The Democratic super PAC is launching a sustained digital effort to woo Latinos in the run up to the 2020 presidential election, according to details of the plan provided to POLITICO. Priorities USA is starting in Florida first and will expand the slate of digital ads to other …

Priorities USA launches Latino persuasion program in Florida Read More »

Now’s the Time to Be Loud. Register to Vote.

We’re not staying quiet anymore. Working people hit the streets last week, marching for climate justice and picketing alongside nearly 50,000 striking General Motors workers. It was far from a one-off demonstration of our power. Those actions followed in the footsteps of activists, strikers, organizers and countless others who, all this year, have refused to …

Now’s the Time to Be Loud. Register to Vote. Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.