Wage and Hour

Dairy workers call on Ben and Jerry’s to give them better hours and fair wages

This week, dairy workers are using an annual ice cream giveaway day by Ben and Jerry’s to bring awareness to the long, hard hours and low wages that many in the industry face. In the state of Vermont and across the country, dairy workers and supporters of migrant farmworkers rallied outside the ice cream company’s …

Dairy workers call on Ben and Jerry’s to give them better hours and fair wages Read More »

Groundbreaking Bill in Illinois Would Give Temp Workers Equal Pay and Rights as Direct Hires

Sweeping legislation introduced in the Illinois state legislature last month would dramatically improve pay, benefits and working conditions for almost a million of the state’s temp workers toiling in factories, warehouses and offices. The Responsible Job Creation Act, sponsored by State Rep. Carol Ammons, aims to transform the largely unregulated temporary staffing industry by introducing …

Groundbreaking Bill in Illinois Would Give Temp Workers Equal Pay and Rights as Direct Hires Read More »

Delivery Drivers Sue Amazon Over Misclassification, Failure to Pay Overtime and the Minimum Wage

With wage and hour lawsuits becoming increasingly common across the country, there was little reason for the lawyers at Amazon.com’s Seattle headquarters to be surprised when one landed on their doorstep recently. But they may have been concerned to learn that their newest legal adversary is “Sledgehammer Shannon” Liss-Riordan, a Boston attorney who gained legal …

Delivery Drivers Sue Amazon Over Misclassification, Failure to Pay Overtime and the Minimum Wage Read More »

Domestic Workers in Ill. Win Bill of Rights: “Years of Organizing Have Finally Paid Off”

Domestic workers in Illinois are celebrating a new bill of rights. Gov. Bruce Rauner signed the bill into law last week, capping a 5-year campaign and making Illinois the 7th state to adopt such a protection. Sponsored by Sen. Ira Silverstein (D-8th District) in the Senate and Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez (D-24th District) in the House, …

Domestic Workers in Ill. Win Bill of Rights: “Years of Organizing Have Finally Paid Off” Read More »

New Survey Reports Uber Drivers Are Investing Big in the Company But Get Little Stability

Don Creery had been driving for Uber in Seattle for several months when in May 2014 the clutch wore out on his Kia Soul. A former music teacher, Creery had enjoyed his work for Uber and said he made enough to live comfortably. So, anticipating much more driving in the future, he took out a …

New Survey Reports Uber Drivers Are Investing Big in the Company But Get Little Stability Read More »

Gelernter on In re Wal-Mart Wage and Hour Litigation FAA Case

Thanks to Lise Gelernter (Teaching Faculty and Director, Externship Programs at SUNY Buffalo Law School) for bringing to my attention this interesting arbitration case decided by the Ninth Circuit on December 17th of last year and providing some commentary. The case is In Re Wal-Mart Wage and Hour Litigation or Carolyn Burton v. Class Counsel.  The Ninth Circuit’s …

Gelernter on In re Wal-Mart Wage and Hour Litigation FAA Case Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.