
It’s time for ending NCAA amateurism to become a 2020 campaign issue

As the 2020 presidential campaign kicks off, a slew of issues have already come to the forefront, including immigration, income inequality, the future of health care, reparations, and climate change. But, as another March Madness wraps up, it’s time for the crowded field of candidates to add another issue to their platforms: Ending NCAA amateurism. During …

It’s time for ending NCAA amateurism to become a 2020 campaign issue Read More »

Fast food workers declare victory after McDonald’s withdraws opposition to minimum wage hikes

After six years of strikes, lawsuits, and damning public scrutiny of how the fast food business model relies on taxpayer-subsidized poverty wages, McDonald’s formally withdrew from efforts to block a federal minimum wage hike on Tuesday. The chain will also stop working against minimum wage increases at state and local levels, its executives told lobbying …

Fast food workers declare victory after McDonald’s withdraws opposition to minimum wage hikes Read More »

Amazon delivery drivers report wage theft and other abuses

Amazon’s labor practices, from its warehouses to its corporate offices, are terrible—and of course its delivery workers don’t have it any better. Many of Amazon’s packages are delivered by third-party courier companies and drivers face a range of abuses, from wage theft to being pressured into risky behaviors to deliver packages on time, Business Insider reports based on interviews with 31 current or …

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Worker wages remain stagnant as wealthy executives are rolling in cash

Congressional Republicans and President Trump continue to push their sole legislative accomplishment, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, as a game-changer for average working Americans — but the benefits of that bill appear to be going mostly to the people at the top. Rather than delivering an “economic turnaround of historic proportions,” as …

Worker wages remain stagnant as wealthy executives are rolling in cash Read More »

Trump administration tip-stealing plan is getting hammered

The Trump Labor Department’s proposal to let bosses steal workers’ tips—$5.8 billion of them—is under heavy fire. After news broke that the department hid the data showing how bad the plan would be for workers, House Democrats demanded that the Labor Department show its work: Four House Democrats, in an oversight letter sent Feb. 2 to Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, asked the …

Trump administration tip-stealing plan is getting hammered Read More »

Union to Southwest: $1,000 worker bonuses don’t make up for years of stagnant pay

Southwest Airlines this week announced that it would be awarding its employees with a $1,000 bonus following the passage of the GOP tax bill, which the company’s board of directors said would “result in meaningful corporate income tax reform.” Union leaders say it hardly makes up for years of unfair treatment. “We applaud Congress and …

Union to Southwest: $1,000 worker bonuses don’t make up for years of stagnant pay Read More »

Lifelong Wage Warrior Larry Mishel Takes On Trump’s Tax Scam

Lawrence Mishel, the outgoing President of the Economic Policy Institute, is finally – after 30 years at the progressive economic research organization – seeing one of his wishes come true. Leaders in both major political parties are talking about wage stagnation, and how to address it. “I’ve always wanted to elevate the concerns about people’s …

Lifelong Wage Warrior Larry Mishel Takes On Trump’s Tax Scam Read More »

Wage gap between blacks and whites is larger today than it was 40 years ago

It’s near impossible for black Americans to achieve parity with their white counterparts in the labor market, according to two new studies which show that they are underpaid and discriminated against throughout the hiring process. Earlier in September, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco reported that the wage gap between black and white Americans is increasing, …

Wage gap between blacks and whites is larger today than it was 40 years ago Read More »

Racial Inequality Is Hollowing Out America’s Middle Class

America’s middle class is under assault. And as our country becomes more diverse, our racial wealth gap means it’s also becoming poorer. Since 1983, national median wealth has declined by 20 percent, falling from $73,000 to $64,000 in 2013. And U.S. homeownership has been in a steady decline since 2005. While we often hear about the struggles of …

Racial Inequality Is Hollowing Out America’s Middle Class Read More »

Prescription Drug Spending is Consuming a Bigger Share of Wages

Prescription drugs are a large and growing share of national income. While it is generally recognized that drugs are expensive, many people are unaware of how large a share of their income goes to paying for drugs because much of it goes through third party payers, specifically insurance companies and the government. The Centers for …

Prescription Drug Spending is Consuming a Bigger Share of Wages Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.