
Thousands of Piece Rate Workers in California’s Salon Industry Are Likely Owed Unpaid Wages

Salon owners in California who pay employees on commission are subject to liability for failing to pay all wages due.  Under California law, “commissions” are a form of wages applicable only to an employee who sells a product or service, not to an employee who makes a product or provides a service to the employer’s …

Thousands of Piece Rate Workers in California’s Salon Industry Are Likely Owed Unpaid Wages Read More »

Does Moving Jobs Out Of The Country Affect What People Here Get Paid?

Economists are still arguing over whether moving our jobs out of the country affects what the people still here get paid. Yes, really. For example, Jared Bernstein in The Washington Post looks at different studies of the effect of moving jobs out of the country. One study, by economists David Autor, David Dorn and Gordon …

Does Moving Jobs Out Of The Country Affect What People Here Get Paid? Read More »

How A Giant Restaurant Conglomerate Teamed Up With Banks To Stiff Its Workers

The struggling corporate giant behind The Olive Garden, Longhorn Steakhouse, and other national restaurant chains is forcing tens of thousands of workers to effectively pay rent on their own money. Workers at Darden Restaurants chains are routinely told they must accept prepaid debit cards instead of paychecks, according to a new report from the worker …

How A Giant Restaurant Conglomerate Teamed Up With Banks To Stiff Its Workers Read More »

Victory in New York City: Cuomo Signs Legislation Raising Minimum Wage to $15

On Monday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) signed a law raising the state’s minimum wage. In New York City and some more prosperous suburbs, the new minimum wage will be $15, while in the rest of the state, the new minimum wage will be $12.50. The increases will be phased in, and millions will …

Victory in New York City: Cuomo Signs Legislation Raising Minimum Wage to $15 Read More »

Important Study Looks At Silicon Valley’s “Invisible” Low Wage Workers

“We knew the tech industry was booming, but we weren’t seeing that translate into an abundance of jobs for our communities – until we looked at the low-wage jobs in contracting industries. Those are growing fast, just like tech profits are. It’s no wonder that one in three working households in Silicon Valley can’t make …

Important Study Looks At Silicon Valley’s “Invisible” Low Wage Workers Read More »

This Bill Would Force Large Corporations To Pay a Fine if They Don’t Pay Workers a Living Wage

A group of Chicago-area progressive groups and unions are backing a bill that would punish large companies who don’t pay their workers a living wage. The Responsible Business Act would charge corporations who employ more than 750 Cook County workers at less than $15 per hour fees for paying what advocates call poverty-level wages. Since …

This Bill Would Force Large Corporations To Pay a Fine if They Don’t Pay Workers a Living Wage Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.