Wal Mart

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Across America, Workers Hold Day of Action to Save Union Jobs

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story. Braving bitter cold temperatures across much of the country, hundreds of union members, environmental activists …

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: Across America, Workers Hold Day of Action to Save Union Jobs Read More »

Wal-Mart Killed At Least 400,000 Jobs In A Dozen Years, While The Waltons Got Richer

If you want to know why a political revolution is necessary (and why the status quo’s most intellectually fraudulent campaign in recent Democratic primaries is such a threat to working people), you need only check out this new report from our friends at the Economic Policy Institute. Wal-Mart (that would be the board the status …

Wal-Mart Killed At Least 400,000 Jobs In A Dozen Years, While The Waltons Got Richer Read More »

The Senator from Walmart Thinks a $10.10 Minimum Wage is ‘Too Much, Too Fast’

Will conservative Democrats never learn? Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR) is facing a tough re-election battle in Arkansas, which is both a low-income state and the home of Walmart. So what position is he taking when it comes to raising the minimum wage, which would pull many of his constituents out of poverty but require Walmart …

The Senator from Walmart Thinks a $10.10 Minimum Wage is ‘Too Much, Too Fast’ Read More »

Workers say Walmart’s ‘Extra Day’s Pay’ for Thanksgiving is a Sham

To make it sound less problematic that its stores are opening at 6 pm on Thanksgiving, Walmart has been telling anyone who’ll listen that it’s giving “an extra day’s pay” to those working the holiday. Awesome! Now tell me what you mean by “day.” No, silly, Walmart doesn’t mean everyone who works Thanksgiving gets eight …

Workers say Walmart’s ‘Extra Day’s Pay’ for Thanksgiving is a Sham Read More »

Could You Live Off $25k a Year Like Most Walmart Workers? No, You Couldn’t.

Last month, Walmart CEO Bill Simon revealed rather cluelessly that the vast majority of Walmart workers, as many as 825,000 in the United States, earn less than $25,000 a year. The sum is so low the average worker for the country’s biggest employer is struggling to make ends meet. By matching its low prices with insultingly low wages, …

Could You Live Off $25k a Year Like Most Walmart Workers? No, You Couldn’t. Read More »

Dozens Of Walmart Workers Walk Out On Strike In Miami

In the latest labor action against Walmart, dozens of workers reportedly walked out on the job on Friday to go on strike. Workers demanded higher wages and better hours, and one worker told Salon that he estimated 80 people took part in the action. The strike came after protests in 15 different cities in September against the country’s largest …

Dozens Of Walmart Workers Walk Out On Strike In Miami Read More »

Would raising the minimum wage help Walmart?

Would a higher minimum wage be good for business at Walmart? Many experts say so—after all, a higher minimum wage would give many Walmart customers a little more disposable incometo spend at the store: David Cooper, an economic analyst with the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute, agrees with Demos’s Ruetschlin that the sluggish economic recovery means a …

Would raising the minimum wage help Walmart? Read More »

Twelve arrested in protest of Walmart firings and retaliation against activists

Beginning shortly after the early June strike by around 100 Walmart workers, 20 of the strikers were fired and another 50 were disciplined in retaliation; Walmart basically treated their absences as if they’d been playing hooky rather than engaging in legally protected concerted activity. Now, in a protest against that retaliation, 9 former and one current Walmart …

Twelve arrested in protest of Walmart firings and retaliation against activists Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.