
OSHA Secures Robust Injunctive Relief for Whistleblower

On May 7, 2015, OSHA obtained a preliminary injunction in a Section 11(c) whistleblower case barring Lear Corporation from further retaliating against the whistleblower, Kimberly King. The injunction is a significant win for whistleblowers because the court’s order broadly construes the scope of protected whistleblowing to include disclosures to the media, and it signals OSHA’s stepped up …

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Tragic Environmental Disaster in West Virginia Should Spur TSCA Reform, Including Stronger Whistleblower Protections

Three hundred thousand residents of Charleston, West Virginia are unable to use tap water because a chemical storage facility spilled 7,500 gallons of 4-methylcyclohexane methanol (MSHM), a chemical used to “clean” coal, into the Elk River.  This tragic incident highlights the need to update the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), including the TSCA’s whistleblower protection …

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The Legal Implications of Online Whistleblowing

In Monday’s news, the Golden Corral discount buffet chain got some unwanted national publicity when the YouTube video above, showing how raw meat and other foodstuffs to be served to customers was stored outside near a dumpster at one of its Florida restaurants, went viral. The video was taken supposedly during a health inspection(!) and …

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Snowden Leak Highlights Few Whistleblower Protections for Intelligence Contract Employees

On Sunday, The Guardian revealed that Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old information technology specialist employed by the federal contractor Booz Allen Hamilton, was its source for a series of bombshell leaks regarding the National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance apparatus. While Snowden’s leaks have raised a series of troubling questions about Americans’ privacy and the national security state, they also …

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A Post-Brinker Victory for Employees: Bradley v. Networkers International, LLC

In the aftermath of the California Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Brinker Restaurant Corp. v. Superior Court(2012) 53 Cal.4th 1004 (Brinker), employers and non-exempt employees are still hashing out the implications of the clarified meal and rest period requirements.  In April, Bryan Schwartz Law discussed the implications of that case on this blog, which can be found …

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New Whistleblower Legislation – A Step in the Right Direction for Employment Rights

“What exactly is a whistleblower?” I thought to myself when first given the task of updating some content on our website. I had heard the term and had a general understanding that it meant you couldn’t get in trouble by your employer for telling on them. Little did I know there is an entire area …

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The Missing Link in Corporate Deviance

“It was a choiceless choice,” claimed Janet Chandler last Thursday night in a special discussion panel put together by GAP (Government Accountability Project) and Georgetown Law. Her choice was to blow the whistle. Janet was one of three famous whistleblowers on the panel Thursday night discussing their stories and promoting the new book, The Corporate …

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2011 PayWatch: Average CEO Salary–$11.4 Million

While 25 million unemployed and underemployed U.S. workers are drowning, CEO pay skyrocketed by 23 percent, for an average salary of $11.4 million in 2010, according to the AFL-CIO Executive PayWatch. Released today, data compiled at PayWatch also show CEOs have done little to create badly-needed jobs, instead sitting on a record $1.93 trillion in …

2011 PayWatch: Average CEO Salary–$11.4 Million Read More »

New Robust Protection for Food Safety Whistleblowers

Yesterday, the Senate passed the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which imposes stricter food safety standards and grants the Food and Drug Administration greater authority to regulate tainted food.  The FMSA was prompted in part by numerous instances of fatal food contamination that revealed insufficient regulation and oversight of food production, including outbreaks of …

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OSHA’s squeaky Whistleblower Protection Program

Most people are aware that, since 1970, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has been responsible for issuing and enforcing standards for workplace health and safety. But if I were a betting person, I would wager that far fewer are aware of OSHA’s responsibilities in relation to the Sarbanes Oxley Act. OSHA is charged …

OSHA’s squeaky Whistleblower Protection Program Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.