Working Women

‘It’s terrifying’: Why women’s hockey players are risking their careers for this boycott

Women’s hockey players are fed up with being told to be grateful for the scraps of professional leagues they’ve been given, so they’re taking a stand. Last Thursday, more than 200 of the best women’s hockey players in the world announced they would not suit up for any North American professional women’s hockey teams this …

‘It’s terrifying’: Why women’s hockey players are risking their careers for this boycott Read More »

Today’s Working Women Honor Their Courageous Foremothers

Nearly two centuries ago, a group of women and girls — some as young as 12 — decided they’d had enough. Laboring in the textile mills of Lowell, Massachusetts, they faced exhausting 14-hour days, abusive supervisors and dangerous working conditions. When threatened with a pay cut, they finally put their foot down. The mill workers …

Today’s Working Women Honor Their Courageous Foremothers Read More »

If Trump Has His Way, You’ll Certainly Miss This Agency You Probably Don’t Even Know Exists

The Trump Administration has released its proposed budget for the 2018 fiscal year. Who’s set to lose big if this budget comes to fruition? Women—specifically working women and their families. The only federal agency devoted to women’s economic security—the Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau—is on the chopping block. The agency, which currently has a budget of only …

If Trump Has His Way, You’ll Certainly Miss This Agency You Probably Don’t Even Know Exists Read More »

21 Female Senators to Help Decide Fate of Bill That Would Kill Harassment, Discrimination Suits

Asking female applicants whether they were married and planned to have children in a job interview. Telling female employees how to dress (and show more skin). Overtly and concretely penalizing female employees for taking maternity leave. Promoting low-performing men over the highest-performing women. Asking women employees to have sex with their boss to advance their …

21 Female Senators to Help Decide Fate of Bill That Would Kill Harassment, Discrimination Suits Read More »

On International Women’s Day, not all women can go on strike

On International Women’s Day, the organization that spearheaded the Women’s March over Inauguration Weekend is leading “A Day Without a Woman”—a call to action for women around the world to take the day off from paid and unpaid labor, to shop only at women-only or minority-owned businesses, and to wear red in solidarity. They’re hoping …

On International Women’s Day, not all women can go on strike Read More »

Want To Shrink The Wage Gap? Unions Are One Powerful Solution

There’s a stereotype of union members as, well, men. You know: The sweat-stained, blue-collar guy toiling at the construction site, or sweating in a factory. To be sure, it’s a stereotype that’s grounded in reality. Historically, unions have been a powerful conduit that enabled blue-collar men to enter and then build the American middle class. …

Want To Shrink The Wage Gap? Unions Are One Powerful Solution Read More »

The Right To Birth Control Just Won Its Most Significant Victory To Date In A Post-Hobby Lobby Case

Judge Jerry Smith is a deeply conservative judge. He once voted to allow a man to be executed despite the fact that the man’s lawyer slept through much of his trial. He’s a reliable vote against abortion rights. And he once described feminists as a “gaggle of outcasts, misfits and rejects.” So when Judge Smith …

The Right To Birth Control Just Won Its Most Significant Victory To Date In A Post-Hobby Lobby Case Read More »

GOP Pitch to Women: Forget Equal Pay, Let’s Talk About Repealing Obamacare

Heading into the 2014 elections, the Republican position on women’s votes and women’s issues is nothing so much as incoherent. They’re defensive about their poor record, so they want to rebut it, but they mostly seem to do so by dismissing every specific issue as a distraction from the real issues. When you get right down to …

GOP Pitch to Women: Forget Equal Pay, Let’s Talk About Repealing Obamacare Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.