Workplace Conditions

The Bangladeshi Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

When I first read about the horrendous fire in Bangladesh, I immediately thought of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in New York in 1911 — more than 100 years ago. In many ways, nothing has changed. In some ways, some things have changed. Today: A Bangladeshi garment factory that was producing clothes for Wal-Mart, Disney,  and …

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What You Need To Know About The Michigan GOP’s ‘Right-To-Work’ Assault On Workers

On Thursday, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) backtrackedon his commitment to avoid so-called “right-to-work” legislation and by the end of the day, both the Michigan House of Representatives and the Michigan state Senate had introduced and passed separate bills aimed at the state’s union workforce. Michigan Republicans claim the state needs the measure to stay …

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Favoritism at Work: How to Respond When Unequal Treatment Impacts Your Productivity and Satisfaction

We all grew up watching the teacher’s pet get the most attention. In the workplace we see people compete to warm up to the boss at an Olympic level. Favoritism in the office not only impacts our sense of fairness, it creates inequality in responsibility. Worse, it can breed resentment and lead to serious consequences. …

Favoritism at Work: How to Respond When Unequal Treatment Impacts Your Productivity and Satisfaction Read More »

The Price of Cheap: Slave Labor, No Jobs

Cheap. Low prices. Bargains. It’s the American way of recent decades–a promise we’ve been given by everyone from politicians to corporate marketing campaigns. And most people find it hard to see the devastating cost to us as a society. But, sometimes things happen at once that can give a very clear picture, if you look. …

The Price of Cheap: Slave Labor, No Jobs Read More »

Walmart’s Black Thursday Hits Paducah

James Vetato planned to spend Black Friday wearing out shoe leather on a picket line at the Southside Walmart in Paducah, Ky. “Now I’ll be there Thanksgiving night, too,” Vetato said. “Walmart has announced it will be open at 8 p.m. Thanksgiving night, which will prevent a lot of the associates from spending the holiday …

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Two Million Americans Could Lose Unemployment Insurance In December If Congress Fails To Extend Program

The expanded federal unemployment insurance program that provides benefits to millions of long-term unemployed Americans is set to expire at the end of December. If Congress fails to extend it, roughly two million Americans could lose their monthly unemployment checks. States provide unemployment insurance for the first 27 weeks after a worker loses his or …

Two Million Americans Could Lose Unemployment Insurance In December If Congress Fails To Extend Program Read More »

Intellectual Imperialism

In order to think about ways to align labor rights and human rights and create the changes needed to eliminate the poverty and oppression caused by those ignoring the basic rights that all people should reasonably expect to enjoy; we must address the concept of Intellectual Imperialism. Intellectual Imperialism is the exploitation of intellectual capital …

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A Closer Look at Results-Focused Education

We sat down and had a conversation with our good friend Jeff Herzberg at Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency (PLAEA) about ROWE and education. We trained PLAEA’s pilot team through a Beyond Telework Workshop and recently brought selected PLAEA employees through our Training Certification program.  Those certified internal trainers will now lead the entire agency into …

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Notoriously Abusive Chinese Company Foxconn Looking To Open Plants In The U.S.

During the last stages of the campaign, Mitt Romney falsely tried to claim that American manufacturers like Chrysler were moving production to China. As it turns out, at least one company is planning the opposite move: Foxconn Electronics, the notoriously exploitative Apple Inc. manufacturer, is reportedly testing the waters to open new plants in US …

Notoriously Abusive Chinese Company Foxconn Looking To Open Plants In The U.S. Read More »

81 Percent Of Moms Without High School Diplomas Also Have No Paid Maternity Leave

The average American woman who never got her high school diploma makes about $365 a week. That means, if she works every single week from January 1 through December 31, she’ll earn a total of $20,540 a year. But if that woman’s expecting a child, she is going to have to take some time off. …

81 Percent Of Moms Without High School Diplomas Also Have No Paid Maternity Leave Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.