workplace issues

Solidarity in Action: Unionists Across North America to Protest for Mexican Workers’ Rights

From Vancouver to New York City, Actions Will Span One Week and One Continent This week, people across the United States and Canada will demonstrate at Mexican consulates and embassies in protest of violations of the right to organize in Mexico. Of particular concern to protesters will be the bitter strikes and repression of unions …

Solidarity in Action: Unionists Across North America to Protest for Mexican Workers’ Rights Read More »

Do the New NLRB Rules Really Help Workers Organize?

A series of rules have been proposed recently by the National Labor Relations Board that improve the rights of workers on the job. The rule changes by the NLRB have been hailed by organized labor as great triumphs that will promote the right to organize. But some question whether the regulations go far enough. In …

Do the New NLRB Rules Really Help Workers Organize? Read More »

Proposed NLRB Rule Requires Employers to Post Workers’ Rights

Most workers have seen notices about their right to a minimum wage or safe workplace posted in the company break room or elsewhere on the job. Employers are required to post those notices by federal law. But there is no requirement for employers to post any sort of notice about workers’ rights under the National …

Proposed NLRB Rule Requires Employers to Post Workers’ Rights Read More »

Poor Leaders Can Decrease Worker Productivity By Up to 40 Percent

As Newswise reports, based on employee engagement research by Florida State University business school professor Wayne Hochwarter, recession-based uncertainty has encouraged many business leaders to pursue self-serving behaviors at the expense of those that are considered mutually beneficial or supportive of organizational goals. This plays out in behaviors that Hochwarter’s team classified using the biblical …

Poor Leaders Can Decrease Worker Productivity By Up to 40 Percent Read More »

The Biggest Lie of 2010, And What We Can Learn From It

Politifact, the fact-checking web site of the St. Petersburg Times, announced the biggest lie of 2010. But it doesn’t stop there, the NYTimes, and a number of other experts agree with Politifact’s analysis. The lie? That the government will be taking over health care. I’ll leave it to Politifact to debate the “why.” I’m …

The Biggest Lie of 2010, And What We Can Learn From It Read More »

Mad Men, Madder Women: Have Roles Really Changed in the Workplace?

Like many baby boomers who regularly watch AMC’s “Mad Men,” I marvel at how accurately they get it: the smoky ambiance, the retro style and the subtleties of how people lived, worked and played in those good/bad ole days. Each Sunday we watch history unfold through the characters who work at the Sterling, Draper, Cooper …

Mad Men, Madder Women: Have Roles Really Changed in the Workplace? Read More »

Fewer Workers, Bigger Profits—and Endless Recession?

Motorcycle-maker Harley-Davidson is revving up its engines, nearly tripling last year’s profits in the second quarter by hauling in $71 million. This follows first-quarter profits of $68.7 million. But Harley is still roaring toward a head-on collision with the workers in its hometown of Milwaukee, where the company has been a beloved symbol of the …

Fewer Workers, Bigger Profits—and Endless Recession? Read More »

Hooray for Albany? Legislature Acts to Boost Working People and the Economy

Griping about Albany is always in style: pundits denounce late budgets, lax ethics rules, and special interest shenanigans. And they’ve got a point. But in the end-of-session frenzy, state legislators are also taking far more positive action: raising workplace standards for some of the state’s most exploited workers, many of whom (no surprise) live and …

Hooray for Albany? Legislature Acts to Boost Working People and the Economy Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.