workplace issues

Labor and Allies, Surprised By Obama’s $9 Minimum Wage Proposal, Scramble to Coordinate

WASHINGTON, DC—When President Obama proposed raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $9 an hour in his State of the Union speech on February 12, the call came as a surprise to many wage-increase advocates. Jen Kern, the minimum wage campaign coordinator at the National Employment Law Project, one of the largest advocacy groups on wage issues, …

Labor and Allies, Surprised By Obama’s $9 Minimum Wage Proposal, Scramble to Coordinate Read More »

Working America: 10 Things You Should Know About Paycheck Deception

Since 2010, right-wing governors and legislators have attacked workers’ rights across the Midwest. These attacks have come in different forms: from stripping public workers’ collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin to an all-out ban on fair share contracts in Michigan and Indiana. In Missouri, extremist legislators and their corporate backers are taking a different tactic. They …

Working America: 10 Things You Should Know About Paycheck Deception Read More »

Student guest workers walk off the job at McDonald’s to protest abuses

Student guest workers on the J-1 cultural exchange visa program walked out of their jobs at Pennsylvania McDonald’s restaurants Wednesday morning, citing abuses of the same kinds that caused a walkout from a Hershey’s supplier in summer 2011. As a result of that strike, the State Department investigated the program and strengthened protections somewhat, but not enough, according …

Student guest workers walk off the job at McDonald’s to protest abuses Read More »

New NELP Study Shows that ALEC Is Engaged in Widespread Campaign to Suppress Wages

A new report from the National Employment Law Project (NELP) shows that the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is engaged in a widespread campaign to suppress the wages of already low-wage workers. ALEC has created model legislation that is designed to weaken or repeal state minimum wage laws, reduce minimum wages for young workers and tipped workers, …

New NELP Study Shows that ALEC Is Engaged in Widespread Campaign to Suppress Wages Read More »

Krugman on ‘Sequester of Fools’

Paul Krugman has a pretty straightforward plan to deal with the sequester that’s due to hit March 1. The New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist says, “The right policy would be to forget about the whole thing.” He bases his proposal on what Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet Yellen said in her keynote …

Krugman on ‘Sequester of Fools’ Read More »

Bowles-Simpson ‘B-S’ Zombie Plan Tells Working People to ‘Drop Dead’

It’s back. No matter how many times working people reject the Bowles-Simpson “B-S” budget plan that cynically claims it would “promote economic growth “—but would actually snuff out the recovery and cut lifelines for working families—it keeps coming back to the table. Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson released another tired plan today that would cut Social Security COLAs …

Bowles-Simpson ‘B-S’ Zombie Plan Tells Working People to ‘Drop Dead’ Read More »

Drug Tests for Welfare Bills Come to Three More States

Looking at the range of drug testing-for-benefits bills being pushed in state legislatures across the country, you almost have to suspect Republicans of some kind of urine fetish. In addition to all the states that are debating or have passed bills requiring people applying for unemployment insurance benefits to pee in cups, drug-testing bills aimed …

Drug Tests for Welfare Bills Come to Three More States Read More »

New Report: End China Currency Manipulation, Create Jobs

If the United States implemented trade policies to end currency manipulation—especially by China—not only would that reduce the U.S. trade deficit by $190 billion to $400 billion over three years, it would be a major first step in reviving the nation’s manufacturing sector and creating up to 4.7 million jobs, according to a new report …

New Report: End China Currency Manipulation, Create Jobs Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.