workplace issues

“This is Not Just a Steelworker Issue”

Showing solidarity with our union brothers and sisters is a great way for us to ring in the New Year, says Jim Key, vice president at large of Steelworkers Local 550 in Paducah, Ky. Key, also his local’s legislative and political chairman, is asking union members and union supporters nationwide to take a minute to …

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Are Workers ‘Sacrificial Lambs’ For Indiana’s Unemployment Fund Deficit?

If the summer of 2012 was supposed to be a vacation, Renissa Pinner was not enjoying it much. Pinner, a teacher assistant with a pre-school program on the southwest side of Indianapolis, was laid off in June. The layoff was a common occurrence during Pinner’s 12 years working for the not-for-profit Head Start provider Family …

Are Workers ‘Sacrificial Lambs’ For Indiana’s Unemployment Fund Deficit? Read More »

Unemployment: Why Won’t Congress Talk About It!?

An interesting look at the unemployment rate. “What is currently a temporary long-term unemployment problem runs the risk of morphing into a permanent and costly increase in the unemployment rate” unless Congress takes action to create jobs.  Why the Unemployment Rate Is So High – New York Times Unemployment claims have increased slightly. “The Labor …

Unemployment: Why Won’t Congress Talk About It!? Read More »

Flight Attendants Push for Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners

Flight attendants who work for Spirit Airlines filed a lawsuit against the airline for reneging on a contractual commitment to provide equal benefits for all employees by forcing employees who want health care coverage for their domestic partners into a lower-quality health care plan than the plan covering other employees. The flight attendants, members of the Flight …

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Labor Secretary Solis Resigns

U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis resigned today. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Solis “brought urgently needed change to the Department of Labor, putting the U.S. government firmly on the side of working families.” Under Secretary Solis, the Labor Department became a place of safety and support for workers. Secretary Solis’s Department of Labor talks tough …

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Florida Governor Inflates Cost Of Medicaid Expansion By 2,500% To Avoid Implementing Obamacare

Internal email messages uncovered by Health News Florida reveal that Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) is knowingly citing inaccurate cost estimates to justify his refusalto expand Florida’s Medicaid program. Though the governor’s office is fully aware that the numbers are wrong, Scott continues to use them anyway, the documents show. Florida, which has one of the …

Florida Governor Inflates Cost Of Medicaid Expansion By 2,500% To Avoid Implementing Obamacare Read More »

Wendy’s Franchise Cutting Worker Hours to Avoid Obamacare, Despite Backlash to Other Chains

An Omaha, Nebraska, Wendy’s franchise owner is joining the list of restaurants vowing to cut worker hours rather than have them qualify for employer-provided health coverage under Obamacare. That’s endangering the livelihoods of around 100 workers who are having their hours cut (managers, of course, are remaining full-time): The company has announced that all non-management positions …

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New Agreement Means $2.2M in Back Pay, New Work for Florida IATSE Members

Stagehands in West Palm Beach, Fla., will secure regular work and share some $2.2 million in back pay after Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 500 and the Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Artsreached agreement on a five-year contract that settles charges in a dispute that began in 2001. The agreement was reached in late December and approved today by …

New Agreement Means $2.2M in Back Pay, New Work for Florida IATSE Members Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.