workplace issues

3,000 Workers at 14 Industrial Laundry Sites Get Wage Gains, Keep Free Health Insurance

Industrial laundry workers, who wash linen for New York’s hotels, hospitals and restaurants, voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new master contract between 14 laundries in the New York Metro area and the Laundry, Distribution and Food Service Joint Board, Workers United/SEIU. The contract includes significant wage gains for laundry workers, a majority of which are …

3,000 Workers at 14 Industrial Laundry Sites Get Wage Gains, Keep Free Health Insurance Read More »

Striking SoCal Port Clerical Workers Win Outsourcing Controls in Tentative Pact

Some 450 office clerical workers—members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 63—are back on the job this morning in the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Calif., after the ILWU and port employers reached a tentative agreement Tuesday night that will prevent the outsourcing of jobs. ILWU International President Robert McEllrath …

Striking SoCal Port Clerical Workers Win Outsourcing Controls in Tentative Pact Read More »

America Holding Walmart’s Feet to the Fire

Finally, someone is holding Walmart directly accountable for the abuse of workers in its contracted warehouses. “Recent discovery has established that Walmart bears ultimate responsibility for the violations of state and federal law committed against plaintiff warehouse workers,” said a court document filed in Los Angeles.   Walmart Targeted In Warehouse Worker Lawsuit – Huffington …

America Holding Walmart’s Feet to the Fire Read More »

Corporate Profits Hit Record High While Worker Wages Hit Record Low

A constant conservative charge against President Obama is that he is inherently anti-business. However, businesses keep defying the storyline by making larger and larger profits, rebounding nicely out of the Great Recession. In the third quarter of this year, “corporate earnings were $1.75 trillion, up 18.6% from a year ago.” Corporations are currently making more …

Corporate Profits Hit Record High While Worker Wages Hit Record Low Read More »

Workers Cheer Living Wage Victory in Austin

Construction workers and others in the Austin, Texas, area are celebrating a coalition victory this week after Travis County commissioners approved a first-ever economic development policy that includes a living wage requirement. The policy requires contractors asking for tax incentives to move into the county to pay all employees at least $11 per hour. It’s …

Workers Cheer Living Wage Victory in Austin Read More »

Favoritism at Work: How to Respond When Unequal Treatment Impacts Your Productivity and Satisfaction

We all grew up watching the teacher’s pet get the most attention. In the workplace we see people compete to warm up to the boss at an Olympic level. Favoritism in the office not only impacts our sense of fairness, it creates inequality in responsibility. Worse, it can breed resentment and lead to serious consequences. …

Favoritism at Work: How to Respond When Unequal Treatment Impacts Your Productivity and Satisfaction Read More »

Labor Board Deals Blow to Fired Immigrant Strikers in Wisconsin

WISCONSIN—The union campaign at Palermo’s Pizza in Milwaukee.—which offers a test case in integrating labor, immigrant and community-based organizing—was dealt a painful blow last week by the regional National Labor Relations Board. The NLRB told both sides it would not find the company’s mass firing of immigrant strikers to be illegal, would not protect other …

Labor Board Deals Blow to Fired Immigrant Strikers in Wisconsin Read More »

Groundbreaking Study on Domestic Workers Finds Widespread Mistreatment and Systemic Low Pay

Domestic workers, such as caregivers and nannies, make all forms of other work possible and play an increasingly significant role in the U.S. economy. However, a new national study found, on average, domestic workers earn little more than minimum wage and few receive benefits like Social Security, health insurance or paid sick days. Conducted by …

Groundbreaking Study on Domestic Workers Finds Widespread Mistreatment and Systemic Low Pay Read More »

The Price of Cheap: Slave Labor, No Jobs

Cheap. Low prices. Bargains. It’s the American way of recent decades–a promise we’ve been given by everyone from politicians to corporate marketing campaigns. And most people find it hard to see the devastating cost to us as a society. But, sometimes things happen at once that can give a very clear picture, if you look. …

The Price of Cheap: Slave Labor, No Jobs Read More »

Mad at Obama, Papa John’s Will Cut Hours To Rob Employees of Healthcare

Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter is angry about Obamacare, and he’s taking it out on his employees. The healthcare reform law mandates that, by 2014, employees who work more than 30 hours per week at companies with more than 50 workers must be covered by their employer’s health insurance plan. In light of Obama’s re-election, …

Mad at Obama, Papa John’s Will Cut Hours To Rob Employees of Healthcare Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.