workplace safety

American Workplaces are Safer…But Not for Everyone

U.S. workplaces are getting safer, according to national Department of Labor statistics for the past two decades. But immigrant workers in the most dangerous occupations have not shared in the increased safety, according to statistics and a recent report by seven worker centers nationwide. On March 9 Arise Chicago Worker Center released their study, done …

American Workplaces are Safer…But Not for Everyone Read More »

MSHA Says Massey Blast Shows Need for Tougher Safety Laws

As we approach Tuesday, April 5, the first anniversary of the deadly blast at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch (W.Va.) mine that killed 29 coal miners, the nation’s top mine safety official today called for tougher laws and bigger penalties for safety violators. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) chief Joe Main today told the Senate Health, Education, …

MSHA Says Massey Blast Shows Need for Tougher Safety Laws Read More »

The Triangle Fire 100 Years Later: Lessons Learned and Unlearned

This Friday is the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Fire. On March 25, 1911, 146 mostly young immigrant women died in a terrible factory fire in Manhattan. The tragedy, at the time the deadliest ever in New York City’s history, changed America. While the nation learned a valuable lesson from the fire, it was a …

The Triangle Fire 100 Years Later: Lessons Learned and Unlearned Read More »

MSHA Safety Crackdown on Troubled Mines Continues

In the latest round of stepped-up inspections of mines with a history of safety and health violations and other issues, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)  in November  issued 250 citations and other actions at 22 mines. The new special impact inspections began after the April coal mine explosion at the Massey Energy Co.’s Upper …

MSHA Safety Crackdown on Troubled Mines Continues Read More »

Proposed NLRB Rule Requires Employers to Post Workers’ Rights

Most workers have seen notices about their right to a minimum wage or safe workplace posted in the company break room or elsewhere on the job. Employers are required to post those notices by federal law. But there is no requirement for employers to post any sort of notice about workers’ rights under the National …

Proposed NLRB Rule Requires Employers to Post Workers’ Rights Read More »

MSHA Cracks Down on Repeat Safety Offenders

In a continued crackdown on coal mines with histories of serious safety and health violations, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has issued notices that 13 mines will be placed in a special stepped-safety enforcement program unless mine owners begin immediate corrective actions. The mines were notified earlier this month that they were on the verge …

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NFL Collision: Management Control vs. Player Safety

Here we have a multibillion-dollar industry. Where does their responsibility begin? Say you’re a kid and you sign up to play football. You realize you can blow out your knee, you can even break your neck and become paralyzed. Those are all known risks. But you don’t sign up to become a brain-damaged young adult. …

NFL Collision: Management Control vs. Player Safety Read More »

Commercial drivers & medical certification (and other alarming commercial transportation safety matters)

On Mother’s Day in 1999, Custom Bus Charters’ bus driver Frank Bedell veered off a highway near New Orleans, killing 22 passengers and injuring 20 others. Just 10 hours before this trip, Bedell was treated at a local hospital for “nausea and weakness.” He had been treated at least 20 times in the 21 months …

Commercial drivers & medical certification (and other alarming commercial transportation safety matters) Read More »

Rescued Chilean Miners Greeted As Heroes — but They’re Also Victims

The 33 Chilean miners trapped underground for 69 days have been treated like heroes since their rescue this week. They were invited to the country’s presidential palace for a special soccer game. A Greek mining executive offered to pay for them to take an all-expense paid trip to Greece to just relax for a few …

Rescued Chilean Miners Greeted As Heroes — but They’re Also Victims Read More »

A Second Disaster Coming to the Gulf? Hazards Abound for Cleanup Workers

Jason Anderson, one of 11 workers killed during April’s Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, had warned his family that BP was pushing speed-up and straying from safety protocols. Without a union to take his concerns to, Jason turned to his wife, Shelly. “Everything seemed to be pressing to Jason, about …

A Second Disaster Coming to the Gulf? Hazards Abound for Cleanup Workers Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.