labor standards

How America Continues to Fail the Health Care Workers Battling the Pandemic

American Red Cross workers travel from one community to another conducting the blood drives that save countless lives in emergency departments and operating rooms. But they struggle to perform that vital work while keeping themselves safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many health care employers, the Red Cross fails to consistently follow social distancing and …

How America Continues to Fail the Health Care Workers Battling the Pandemic Read More »

Beware the Janus Fix That Relies Too Much on Bosses

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Janus decision, a new approach to financing unions called “direct reimbursement” is gaining traction with Democratic politicians, academics, and even the New York Times editorial board. It boils down to this: Rather than public sector workers paying dues, their government employer would pay an equivalent amount directly to the union. Proponents …

Beware the Janus Fix That Relies Too Much on Bosses Read More »

Lost wages, serious illness and poor labor standards: The dangers of rebuilding Texas and Florida

As Texas prepares to rebuild after Hurricane Harvey devastated much of the state, and Florida starts picking up the pieces from the destruction wreaked by Hurricane Irma, emergency workers may face exploitation for the sake of greater profits and speedier project completion. Past abuses after similar natural disasters have left laborers without all of their …

Lost wages, serious illness and poor labor standards: The dangers of rebuilding Texas and Florida Read More »

The UAW Vote in Mississippi is a Battle for the Soul of the U.S. Labor Movement

After years of painstaking work by United Auto Workers (UAW) organizers to build support for a union at the big Nissan auto and truck assembly plant near Canton, Miss., the workers themselves will vote today and tomorrow on whether to accept UAW their collective bargaining voice at the plant. “I think it [union approval] will …

The UAW Vote in Mississippi is a Battle for the Soul of the U.S. Labor Movement Read More »

TPP: Four Potential Partners Don’t Comply with International Labor Rights

A new AFL-CIO report released today finds that four nations that would be major players under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) are out of compliance with international labor standards and, therefore, with the commitments they would undertake under the TPP. The report—The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Four Countries That Don’t Comply with U.S. Trade Laws—finds that workers in …

TPP: Four Potential Partners Don’t Comply with International Labor Rights Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.