Predictable Work Schedules

Kansas Republicans Again Stab Workers, And Democracy, In The Back

Once again, that conservative maxim about the government that’s closest to the people serves the people best was thrown out the window by conservatives when it comes to protecting the interests of workers against the abuses of businesses. The latest example is Kansas, which just passed a law that said that local governments could not …

Kansas Republicans Again Stab Workers, And Democracy, In The Back Read More »

Gap Will End Scheduling Practices That Wreak Havoc On Workers’ Lives

In a blog post on Wednesday, Andi Owen, global president for Banana Republic at Gap Inc., announced that the company will end the practice of on-call scheduling and commit to giving employees at least 10 days advance notice of their schedules. All five of its brands will phase out on-call scheduling, in which employees are …

Gap Will End Scheduling Practices That Wreak Havoc On Workers’ Lives Read More »

Democrats push to limit abusive work scheduling practices like split shifts

Low hourly wages aren’t the only thing that keep workers in the fast food and retail industries struggling. Scheduling matters, too. These days it’s common for workers to not know their schedules more than a week ahead; to be on call, ready to go to work with no notice, but not guaranteed any pay; for …

Democrats push to limit abusive work scheduling practices like split shifts Read More »

Low wages & unpredictable schedules: A toxic combination for part time employees

In a society that blurs the lines between corporations and people, perhaps it was inevitable that some employers would blur the lines between people and inanimate objects.  Even so, it is shocking to learn that in a growing number of low wage industries, employers  treat part time employees as fungible, disposable assets, instead of human …

Low wages & unpredictable schedules: A toxic combination for part time employees Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.