raising wages

Warren proposes sweeping plan for ’empowering American workers and raising wages’

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has released her plan for empowering American workers and raising wages, and, like Sen. Bernie Sanders’ workplace democracy plan, there is a lot here—and the sheer scope of the changes Warren proposes again reminds us of how effective the corporate and Republican war on workers has been over the past few decades. In a country …

Warren proposes sweeping plan for ’empowering American workers and raising wages’ Read More »

Raising the Minimum Wage Has a Negligible Effect on Jobs

As states, cities and municipalities across the country raise wages to improve the lives of working people, it is worth highlighting how such moves affect low-income communities of color. Many argue that higher wages hurt job growth. Here’s why that thinking is wrong. The Congressional Budget Office, in an extensive review of the available research …

Raising the Minimum Wage Has a Negligible Effect on Jobs Read More »

Workers and Wages Aren’t a ‘Cost,’ We’re an Investment

Reading today’s Politico Morning Shift column, this sentence stood out in a short piece on Wisconsin Republicans’ efforts to repeal the state’s prevailing wage law: “That’s an 80-year law requiring that workers on construction jobs for local and state governments be paid a wage that the state determines to represent the prevailing norm—a calculation that tends to …

Workers and Wages Aren’t a ‘Cost,’ We’re an Investment Read More »

Trumka: Obama ‘Forcefully Advocated for Working Families’ in State of Union

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said, “President Obama eloquently and forcefully advocated for working families throughout his State of the Union Address,” last night. He also said: ‘The  president’s focus on raising wages through collective bargaining, better paying jobs, a fairer tax code, fair overtime rules, and expanded access to education and earned leave sent the …

Trumka: Obama ‘Forcefully Advocated for Working Families’ in State of Union Read More »

Raising Wages for Women in Retail Would Improve Lives, Boost Economy

A new report from Demos details how America’s retail businesses keep millions of working women and their families in poverty. The report, Retail’s Choice: How Raising Wages and Improving Schedules for Women in the Retail Industry Would Benefit America, shows how low pay, erratic scheduling and weak benefits have a disproportionate affect on women, who make …

Raising Wages for Women in Retail Would Improve Lives, Boost Economy Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.