trade war

Trade war drives up unemployment in key 2020 battleground states

Unemployment remains low nationwide, but it’s starting to tick up in a some key places—places dependent on the industries hit hard by Donald Trump’s trade war, and places that just happen to be in battleground states. In around one in three counties in the United States, unemployment is higher than it was a year ago. That’s …

Trade war drives up unemployment in key 2020 battleground states Read More »

Trump thinks tariffs will add U.S. manufacturing jobs. Economic reality says they won’t.

When then-Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina went to a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Kent International in 2014, the bicycle company had grand plans for expansion at its assembly plant to make its products in the United States. “Manufacturing, it’s never as easy as it looks and people kind of laughed at us, but won’t be …

Trump thinks tariffs will add U.S. manufacturing jobs. Economic reality says they won’t. Read More »

Trump’s Trade War with China Benefits Big Corporations—Not Ordinary Workers

Some events give extraordinary insights into the biases of the economics profession. The trade war with China clearly fit the bill. The origins of the trade war can be traced to campaign promises Trump made to go after China over its large trade surplus with the United States, which he attributed to “currency manipulation.” The …

Trump’s Trade War with China Benefits Big Corporations—Not Ordinary Workers Read More »

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Madeline Messa

Madeline Messa is a 3L at Syracuse University College of Law. She graduated from Penn State with a degree in journalism. With her legal research and writing for Workplace Fairness, she strives to equip people with the information they need to be their own best advocate.